Page 1 of Love Again

Chapter 1


I finish getting lunches packed for the day. Tuna sandwiches, chips and Gatorade for Jax and Juliet. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches for Jade and Jepp. I know the twins will probably complain about having tuna again. Being 16 I am surprised they don't sneak out of school and run to the closest drive through like their father and I did. I smile at the memory. 16-year-old us, rebelling against our parents. Their few rules were never skip class, and always have protected sexual intercourse. Lucky for them we followed the protection rule. Until the night before Alan had to leave for the Academy. I was on birth control, but I may have missed a couple days. He snuck into my dorm at the local Community College I was attending. One thing led to another. With no condom we thought the pull-out method would suffice. We welcomed the twins after our 21st birthdays. Our parents weren't exactly thrilled at first. But once they laid eyes on our blonde hair beauties they changed. We all did. I still can't believe how much they look like their father. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin. They totally lucked out with those genes. Looking at them is a constant reminder of Alan. Especially Jax. He resembles his father so much it almost brings me to tears. Grief is funny that way. One moment I think I am doing okay. The next I see our son acting exactly like him, or something happens with the kids, and I want to share it with him. Only he's not here. It's just me and our babies.Alone.

"Mommy!" Jepp squeals as he rushes into the kitchen. I laugh as he leaps for my arms. Him and Jade are my look alikes. Green eyes, dark hair, fair skinned and freckled. I kiss his nose. "Well good morning my handsome boy." With His arms around my neck, I place him on his booster seat at our bar island. Jade, Juliet and Jax make their way into the kitchen. Jade climbs on the stool next to Jepp and sighs. Worry crosses her face. "What’s wrong Princess?" I ask while placing her pop tart on a paper towel in front of her. I break Jepp’s into pieces knowing all too well he will shove the whole thing in his mouth. "Career day is coming up at school. And I wanted to show daddy's career, but Ryker at school said I can't because my daddy is dead!" Jade says with a huff. I'm taken back and shocked at how vile these kids

are now a days. As hurt as I am I have to approach this carefully. I've kept their father’s memory alive. Jade was so young when we lost Alan and I didn't even know I was pregnant with Jepp until 2 months later. He never had the privilege of meeting his incredible father. But I make sure they all knew how much he loved them. "Honey." I stand beside her. "We can do career day for your daddy. He may not be here with us anymore. But guess what?" Jade looks at me with her big green eyes. "He was a hero honey.Our hero.And we can make a collage of all the wonderful things he accomplished while he was alive. I think he would love that." I smile trying to keep my composure. I look to Juliet and Jax. Juliet has tears in her eyes. Jax has a stone-cold expression. Lately it's like pulling teeth to make him feel something. I blame puberty. "Yes mommy.

We can do that!" Jade concedes excitedly. "Perfect. Eat up guys. We have to leave in 10." I say kissing the top of all their heads.


I drop Jade and Jepp off at school. Thankfully working within the school district, I was able to score Jepp a spot in our kindergarten program. Pulling into the teachers parking lot at the high school I spot Ms. Johnson or Katy. She's new here this year. Quite shy but she's starting to come out of her shell a bit. I lock my car and jog to catch up. "Good morning, Katy." I say eager for adult conversation. Being a full-time working mom does not leave me with a lot of time to socialize. Unless you count Brandi and Mike coming over almost every weekend, but their family.

Katy gives me a small shy smile. "Mrs.

Jones, good morning." I laugh. "Please call me Laramie. No need for formality." I chuckle. She smiles politely but doesn't say anything. It's gonna be like pulling teeth to be friends with this one. But I'll wear her down. We're almost through with the school year and she has yet to have a decent conversation with me. "Katy, I'm gonna have Brandi over this weekend. The kids usually watch movies and eat junk food with Mike, while Brandi and I catch up. Would you like to join us?" I ask with hope in my voice. She stops and looks at me, indifferent showing in her face, then keeps walking towards the stairs. "Oh, I wouldn't want to impose." She says quietly. Maybe she really does not want to make friends here. "Nonsense. Meet me at the teachers’ lounge at lunch period and we will discuss this. Have a good day!" I say pushing the doors open. I head towards the commons area to get to my classroom. "Mom!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Jax running my way. His hair is growing shaggier by the day. I make a mental note to get his haircut. "Hey bubbs, what's up?" I ask.

"Baseball tryouts are after-school. I forgot. Can I tryout?" He asks me. My heart flutters. I keep my expression neutral. Oh baseball. He had been in little league since he was four. When Alan passed, he refused to do it anymore. I blink back the tears threatening to fall. He wants to play for his junior and senior year. I step closer to him and wrap him in my arms. He reluctantly returns my embrace. I pulled back and stared at him. He knows why I'm acting this way. "Of course, you can honey. I'm sure you'll make the team too baby!" I sniffle Kissing him on the cheek, and he groans. "I'm proud of you." I whisper so only he can hear. His lips twitch with an almost smile. "Thanks mom. I'll let Jade know to wait or catch a ride home with you." With that he runs over to his friends. I sigh and head to my classroom. My baby is trying to move on. I hope he does. He needs it. He deserves it. They all do. Sure, therapy has helped us each in a way. But nothing fills the void of losing a parent. Nothing fills the void of losing a piece of your heart.

Chapter 2


A fresh start. That's what this is. I knew leaving Des Moines was what was best for Chloe, Katy and I. Chloe has been excelling at this school as a freshman. Katy is enjoying being her first year as an English teacher. Now here I am on with the school as the new head baseball coach. We needed a change of scenery. Wedeserveda change of scenery. Especially my baby girl. After what Regina put us through over and over. Getting full custody of your child is easy. Especially when the other parent just signs over their rights. It was what was best for my baby girl. My little sister came as moral support. Since our parents died eight years ago. It's just been her and I, and Regina before she decided drugs were more important than us. It has worked out in the end. My Chloe girl is happy and so is Katy. At least I think so. We've kept to ourselves since moving here. Katy especially but, she’s always been a shy girl. Even when we were kids. I've gone out a few times with other coaches but nothing to drastic. Coach Ryan comes into the office with a huff. "Lots of small players out there." He says sitting down. Ryan is a football coach. Football players need

some muscle mass to them. As for my baseball players. They mainly need core and arm strength. I chuckle. "Good thing they aren't trying out for football then huh?" He smiles with a wink. I roll my eyes. Ryan is one of the most laid-back goes with the flow type of guy. It almost makes him immature.

We make our way out to the small practice field. The town of Tabor is small, maybe seven hundred people. Our practice field is nice, but coming from a Des Moines baseball field, this looks like a little league field. We make our way towards the dugout. Players have their own bats and gloves except a few. Ryan stops in front of me, causing me to almost run into him. "Woah." He whispers. I follow his gaze to a young boy with shaggy hair, on the pitcher’s mound. He is throwing fastballs to another. "He hasn't played since his father passed. I'm glad he is trying out." He says to me and keeps walking to where the boys are located.

I watch the young boy throw pitch after pitch. He's good. His form is spot on. He has thrown a couple of fastballs and breaking balls. I wonder how long it has been since he picked up a ball. Even more so I wonder if he is as good at batting as he is pitching. "Gather round boys!" I whistle to get their attention. "I am coach Maverick. This here is coach Ryan." I pause. "I am new to this school as well as this town. I did not grow up here like many of your coaches and teachers but, I hope to build a bond with you all regardless." I know some of these boys won't be open to taking on a new coach from the sounds of it a lot of them were close to coach Morris. I continue my speech. "A good team is based off of good relationships. If you make the team, they will be your family. You need to treat them as such." A few of the boy’s scoff and snicker. Boys can be worse than girls sometimes. "I'm gonna assume those who made noises don't want to play?" I question. I may seem harsh, but the team needs to have a good dynamic in order to play well. Some of the players that are on the team already, are looking for scholarships. Sure, if they play well scouts will still recruit, however. If the team plays well together, they know there getting a Rockstar athlete. All the boys stay silent. Watching me. It's a bit chilly today in mid-March but I decide to make the boys run sprints anyway. Ryan and I watch and time each of them. "Again!" I shout. They all run from one side of the field to the other. Ryan takes half to the dugout while I stay on the field watching shaggy hair pitch. He throws a fastball right into the strike zone. I stop him when he goes to throw again. "What’s your name kid?" I ask. He huffs a breath. "Jaxson, Jax for short, Sir." He extends his hand to me, and I am shocked by the manners he possesses. Most teenagers would not act this way. I give him a firm handshake and nod my head to continue. Fastball.Strike.Breaking ball.Strike.Curveball.Strike.The kid has a hell of an arm on him... I smile and clap my hands slowly. I pat his shoulder and nod towards the dugout to take a break. The rest of the try outs go by without a hitch. Sure, we could use all 20 kids that have tried out. With only 5 seniors playing as varsity, we need to build our team for years to come. Sure, my contract is only a year. But with the arm that Jax has, and the sluggers Kaden and Joe were hitting this team could make it far. This move may have been the best thing for us.

Chapter 3


This week has been killer. My kids don't want to listen, my students don't want to listen. I swear there has been a full moon all week with how crazy they have been acting. Maybe mercury is in retrograde. Or whatever people are blaming their moods on these days. I sigh while finishing up grading paperwork. I hear fast footsteps in the hallway. "Mom! Mom!" I hear Jax yell. I immediately jump up and meet him in the doorway. Thinking the worst. Tears welt the corner of his eyes and my heart drops to my stomach. "I made it! I'm on the team!" He yells lifting me in the air and spinning me in the hallway. I laugh and hug him tightly. My heart still in my stomach from thinking something was wrong. "I told you sweetheart!" I whisper. I'm incredibly happy for my son. He sets me down and steps back. Then I realize we're both crying. Jax laughs first causing me to laugh. I wipe under my eyes with one hand while I do the same to him with the other. "I'm proud of you." I say sniffling. He laughs again. Doing a fist pump to the air. Movement catches his eye, and he composes himself. I turn my head to see who he is looking at. Butterflies fill my stomach and I'm almost confused at the sensation. I haven't felt those in a long time. It feels almost foreign. A man is approaching us. No not a man. He's built likea Viking. Like aGreek God. His shirt is loose fitting, and I can still make out the size of his pecs. His forearms are just as huge. Not to mention the thighs on this man are pure muscle in his athletic shorts. I hear Jax clear his throat. I realize I'm ogling this man in front of my son. Guilt consumes me all too quickly. "Mom, this is my new coach. Coach Maverick." He says.

I look back to his coach. His baseball hat is turned backwards but I still see a little bit of his dark shaggy hair. He's stating at me with the most intense blue eyes I've seen. I extend my hand. "Nice to meet you sir. I am Laramie Jones. This one's mom." I say jamming my thumb towards Jax. I instantly regret my awkwardness. Why am I being awkward. And why does this man have such huge strong hands. I see tattoos covering each arm. Holy heck. I take my hand away quickly and clear my throat. His brows furrow then he gives me a small smile. "Maverick Johnson." He tells me. His voice is deep and smooth, like velvet. I want to melt. I shake my head.Who am I?"Jax tells me he made the team. Thank you for the opportunity." I say reply.

"He has a great arm, is respectful, and seems to be a natural leader. You should be proud." He says without a smile. Staring at Jax. Well, I am proud. He hasn't treated me with much respect this week, but I am glad his teachers are getting it. "I am. Thank you." I turn towards Jax. "Brandi picked up Jade and Jepp. They should be home soon." I pause. Trying to ignore the big burly man behind me. I can smell his scent and my God is it all man. I collect my thoughts and continue. "Katy is coming over as well. So be good. She teaches here, don't come down in your tightie whities tonight." I give a small laugh at my joke. I hear Maverick snicker as well. "Mom!" Jax yells with a laugh he turns his back to me and walks towards the commons area probably to find Juliet or the new girl he's been seeing. "Sorry, I meant boxers!" I yell out to him. He shakes his head and waves his hand in the air. I turn around and laugh at myself again. Forgetting the new coach was behind me. I stare up at him, a smile across his perfect lips. "Sorry, that was inappropriate." I mutter. Playing with my wrist. "So, Ms. Johnson is coming to your house tonight?" He asks with a quirked brow. Shit. Is this his wife? No. Couldn't be. I glance at his hand quickly to see if I notice a ring. I shake my head up and down. Unable to make worlds. He chuckles. It's deep and hearty. "That explains why she has been nervous." He says stepping beside me. Leaning down to my ear he says, "Have a good night Mrs. Jones." His voice raspy. I shudder. It's been a long time since a man has had any effect on me. Alan was all I’ve had, all I’ve known. Growing up in a small town where everyone knows everyone. My chances of finding a man were slim to none… But maybe that’s going to change. I shake my head watching Maverick walk away.

Absolutely not.

I head back to my classroom and finish my tasks and head home.


The girls and I are on our second bottle of wine. Thankfully there are three of us. So, my buzz is just starting. Plus, I've nursed each glass. I'm enjoying getting to know Katy. Well as much as she will let us know. I've learned Maverick is her sexy brother not husband. Thank God. Shit, I think he'ssexy. Nope. Shut. It. Down. She came from a big city in Iowa. She is enjoying it here much more than she thought she would.

"I don’t know. I couldn't function if I didn't have at least one orgasm a day." Brandi laughs. Oh yeah sex topic. I'd be surprised if my hymen didn't grow back. Katy sets her phone down and looks back at me with flushed cheeks. "Yeah, I haven't had sex since well before the move here." She takes a sip of her wine. I feel her pain. I may not know her situation, but she may be like me and can't do meaningless sex. Alan was my one and only. There hasn't been one before nor after. I don't know if I can give myself to someone else. "Well. My vibrator does just fine." I giggle and take another drink. "Thank God for clit stimulators and different settings!" I shout enthusiastically tipping me head back. The girls laugh then look behind me. Katy looks like she has seen a ghost. I turn around to find Mike, Brandi’s husband and Maverick at the bottom of the stairs. I flush a deep red. And down the rest of my wine.DearGod.

Chapter 4


All evening I could not stop thinking about the dark-haired beauty that stopped me in my tracks. She's petite but has curves. Natural looking breast that I could divulge in. Curves on her hips, her ass was just as juicy in her slacks. They left no room for the imagination. Well imagining I did. Those thick legs wrapped around me. Her intense green eyes staring at me. I had to talk myself out of jerking it like a teenager. She’s a widow, and a player’s mom.