It was funny because I knew there was no way she would get out of there.
She was locked away tighter than any prison cell.
A ding from her purse sounded and drew my attention to the countertop where it sat. Curiosity piqued as I dug into its depths and pulled it out.
A text. From dad.
“Honey, you OK?” it read across the top of her phone.
Swiping my finger over the screen, I read the entire thread from the day.
“Everything OK?” she asked first thing this morning.
“Yeah, honey. Worked late and crashed with a friend. Just woke up. Sorry I didn’t call. See you tonight?”
“I’ll be in a little late, but I’ll see you tonight!”
It had been hours since she’d sent that last text.
Of course, he would be checking in, asking if everything was OK.
I grinned.
My plan was going to work. He was already getting worried about not hearing from her. A couple more days and he’d be ready to talk.
My eyes drifted back to the door and sighed. My emotions faltered a little.
Despite myself, I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and ran the tap to fill it with water. I was sure she was thirsty.
Why I gave a shit, I had no idea.
She was just some random chick I’d had sex with.
She was no different than any other asshole I had held captive. Why did I give a damn if she drank something?
Whatever it was, with every step I took toward the bedroom door, I felt propelled.
Like a magnet was pulling me to go talk to her.
I lookedup as Luca entered the room, the throbbing pain still in my head. I looked at him and sighed before gripping my head dramatically. It was hurting, but I was going to play it up, too.
Clearly, he was pissed I was hit in the first place.
Maybe I could use it to my benefit.
“I have a splitting headache,” I groaned.
He nodded silently and extended a glass of water to me. My hands trembled as I took it.
I looked at him anxiously. Although I hated myself a bit for showing any emotion. I guess it was true: You could never be sure how you would react to a situation until you were in the middle of it. I guess anyone could be affected by circumstances. I was no exception.
I was a little disappointed, though.