I struggled to sit up, my entire head pounding with relentless fervor. I sighed, clutching the place where Luca’s henchman punched me. My surroundings had changed, and I now found myself in a familiar but unsettling place — the bedroom where Luca and I shared our first intimate night.
Panic surged through my body as I realized I was no longer bound by handcuffs, but locked in the bedroom. The window was boarded up.
I dashed to the door, jiggling the knob.
A muffled — yet heated — exchange of voices reached my ears, and I strained to make sense of the argument taking place in the next room. Luca's voice carried a mix of anger and frustration, his words sharp and biting. I just couldn’t pinpoint what it was about.
Maybe that was something I could use against them.
I groaned as I leaned against the door, straining to hear whatever I could.
My mind was riddled with questions.
“Still doesn’t give you a right!” Luca barked.
“She was beating the shit out of me, Boss! Like a fucking wild woman!”
“We just fucking kidnapped her!” he hissed. “What did you expect her to do? Hug you!?”
I grinned.
He didn’t want them to hurt me.
Good to know.
His plan involved me being unscathed.
I surveyed the room, looking for any advantage or means of escape. Every detail became a potential way out., something I had to make note of.
Every object could be a weapon, too, I told myself as I scanned the room for pieces of furniture and knick-knacks with points or heft behind them.
As their argument escalated, I hobbled to each corner of the room looking for things I could use.
I was going to get the hell out of there.
I was going to expose them. Whether there was much in this room or not.
I would find something.
I took a deep breath,my frustration almost getting the best of me.
How had things become so complicated? This girl, Annabelle, was never meant to be more than a good screw and a fun time. Yet, here I was, caught up in a shit storm, with her in the middle.
On one hand, the broad was a cop.
On the other, she was the fucking daughter of my enemy.
I turned to Enzo, my loyal second in command.
My underboss.