The anonymity we wanted was now going to have to be balanced delicately with the desire to see each other again. Text messages, hidden behind the safety of our screens, with future promises to hang out. That seemed pretty innocent.


Well, maybe notinnocent.

Just not harmful to my new position as a mob boss.

I leaned in and kissed her briefly before pulling away. “Until next time,” I whispered.

She smiled at me and rolled her eyes as she swung open her front door and nudged me out. “My dad could be home any minute, and to escape questioning, I would suggest you go.”

I laughed in agreement.

Generally speaking, dads were not super fond of me.

I could only imagine how fond he’d be of me, knowing I’d just had sex with his daughter in his house.

As I walked down the stoop, a grin played on my lips.

It was funny.

I had come there with a blindfold on.

I was leaving without one.

And I had no fucking idea where I was.



After he left,I closed the door sharply.

I fumbled for my phone, eager to make the phone call I’d been itching to ever since Luca mentioned his club being shot up.

“Hello?” my captain grumbled exhaustedly over the phone. “Do you have any idea what fucking time it is?”

"Hey, Cap, what do we know about a club being shot up?” I asked abruptly. “I hadn’t heard anything.”

There was a brief pause on the other end, a moment of hesitation. “Club?” He grumbled. “Who told you about a club being shot up?”

I could hear shuffling on the other end of the receiver.

His words held a certain sharpness, a hint of suspicion that made me second-guess the conversation almost entirely. I didn’t know what I was talking about and alerting my boss seemed … stupid.

Of course, he would have questions.

He was the captain of the NYPD, and I was telling him about a club shooting that I had no idea about.

I decided to stick to the basics, not wanting to disclose too much just yet. Not that I had anything to disclose anyway.

"Just through someone I met at a bar," I replied, allowing a casual air to accompany my response. “A rumor. Just wanted to see if you knew what they were talking about.”

The captain's tone sharpened, a note of urgency creeping into his voice. "Which bar, specifically? I need to know the details."

His insistence caught me off-guard, stirring a sense of unease within me. A gut feeling told me to lie.

I made a split-second decision to fabricate a response, hoping it would satisfy his curiosity. "The Orchid Room," I replied, trying to sound as natural as possible. I needed to give myself some time to figure out what happened.