Seeingher again in the bar caught me completely off-guard.
I’d just beat the ever-loving shit out of the asshole I spared after the club shootout.
She was the last person I expected to be there.
Not that I minded the escape from reality.
She seemed different tonight. A little less pissed; a little more wound up.
But I couldn’t help but smirk the more she flirted with me.
She was back for more, and I welcomed it. She was the best lay I’d ever had. I was perfectly fine chalking this up to a delightful twist of fate that we were even at the bar again.
I wouldn’t have been had those maniacs not started a war.
I took a final sip of my drink and leaned casually against the bar. The evening was coming to a close. She hadn’t ordered another drink, and neither had I.
She was buying.
I wasn’t going to get greedy.
Besides, I didn’t know if I wanted to be drunk a second time that night. Dimitri had already thrown me into an icy trough.
“So, I guess I feel graced by your presence,” I teased. “And I’m assuming you couldn’t resist the lure of my company as well?"
She met my gaze right after she slammed her last sip of alcohol and smiled at me, mischievously. "Don't flatter yourself too much. Maybe I just came back for the good drinks, fun atmosphere, andmediocrecompany," she replied, more than just a hint of flirtation in her voice.
“Playing hard to get now, huh?” I winked, enjoying the banter.
There was an energy that sparked.
I wanted to explore it.
I wanted to take her back upstairs and have my way with her again.
But I couldn’t.
There were a nearly beaten-to-death man, my brother, and a few of my closest men upstairs in that apartment.
She rolled her eyes. “Maybe,” she said. “You might be a little too charming.”
I could hear the sarcasm dripping off her tongue.
I liked it.
This was fun.
I raised my empty glass in a mocking sort of toast. "Well, you’re not the first to fall victim to my charm."
She rolled her eyes again. “Har har har,” she mocked.
Her laughter followed, filling the space between us.
I was so unbelievably drawn to her.