My grip tightened on the phone, rage — and maybe a little helplessness — flooding through me.

He wasn’t going to do this.

And if he was, it was going to be over my dead fucking body.

I was determined to get to them.

I pressed harder on the accelerator, my car surging forward, closing the distance between us. I was worried to let him get to his destination. I wasn’t sure I could hold off however many men he had waiting for her

I knew he had a lot of people under his thumb.

That’s why I’d kept him on the payroll

I knew other mobs wanted him. He could just as easily fuck me over — especially if I died in the process.

Fear would only get me so far.

With protection from other mobs, there’s no telling what he would do.

The pursuit reached a fever pitch as both vehicles raced through the city streets.

Sirens roared and whirled behind us as we dodged through traffic.

Finally, I caught up to his van and pulled alongside him. My voice was filled with desperation as I shouted, “Pull over, goddammit!”

I knew he couldn’t hear me. Even if he could, I knew he wouldn’t stop.

He saw me.

The fucking prick.

His face twisted into a wicked smile as he peered out the window. His eyes gleamed with malice.

I scowled as he accelerated.

Annabelle was struggling with another figure. Fighting.

That’s it.

With a jerk of the wheel, my fender collided with his.

The impact jarred me, but I wasn’t going to stop.

I didn’t want to wreck this son of a bitch with Annabelle inside.

With a surge of desperation, I swerved to the side again, my car colliding with the van's side panel.

Just pull over, you son of a bitch.

The impact reverberated through my body. The screeching metal echoed in my ears as the van began to waver, Captain Russo struggling to maintain control.

“Just pull over!” I screamed at the window, hoping he would come to his senses.

But his response was ruthless and unexpected. He veered into my car.

The collision hit me like a wrecking ball and sent my car hurling through the air.

The world spun in a disorienting frenzy as I flipped and tumbled to God knows where. Metal crunched and glass shattered all around me as time slowed to a crawl.