“Calm down, Betrami.”

His words sparked nothing but doubt.

I knew his actions weren’t noble by the disgusting smirk on his face.

He was taking me somewhere.

His demeanor began to shift. His eyes darted with hidden intentions. “I just have to ask you some questions.” His words held an edge of calculated charm. It was then that realization struck me like a blow to the chest – the man I had believed to be an ally was another piece in the intricate puzzle of corruption.

He had to be.

This didn’t feel right.

My heart raced.

“I'm going to ask this one more time,” I breathed heatedly. “Where are you taking me, Captain? What's your real agenda here?"

A wry smile crept across his face, revealing a glimpse of his true nature. "You're perceptive, Betrami," he replied, his voice dripping with evil.

I wanted to launch at the son of a bitch and take hold of the steering wheel, but I knew that it would do nothing but get me killed.

I had to bide my time.

Wait for the right moment.

But when the hell was that?

He had no intention of taking me to safety.

Frustration and anger welled inside of me and I steeled myself to mask it. I had to be smart about this.

“What made you do this?” I asked. “What caused you to become corrupt? You, of all people?”

“You have to play the game in this fucked-up city, Betrami.”

His gaze met mine, a glint of malice living there. "There are things you need to understand. It can be a bitter pill to swallow, but this is the reality.This. Right here.”

As his words hung in the air, I realized that my survival hinged on my ability to outwit him and stay one step ahead.

I clenched my fists, my resolve hardening with each passing second. I wouldn’t allow myself to become another casualty.

I wondered if my dad had anything to do with the murder of Francis Lasiter after all, or if this was all just some ploy to pin it on him.

Captain Russo’s phone buzzed on his belt clip.

Over and over and over again.

By the look on his face, it wasn’t a call he wanted to take. “One of your puppeteers calling, Cap?” I asked.

His foot pressed harder on the gas and our surroundings zipped by quicker now. Wherever we were headed, we were headed there at full speed.

I had to figure out how to get out of this.

I was going to expose this prick if it was the last thing I was going to do.