I wasn't sure if it was because it was my father or if it was more.

But who knows?

Could I trust that he didn’t do it?

I’m sure he’d had his hand in killing more than one person.

The mob was kind of known for killing people.

Anger and skepticism battled within me.

It tore at my desire to trust anyone. Something nagging lingered in my mind. Something…off.

I didn’t know what it was, but I was going to find out.

Captain Russo guided me up and out the front door, with the SWAT team filtering all around.

There was a single white van amidst all the black ones, and with an outstretched finger, he pointed to it. “That one,” he mumbled as he guided me toward it.

My shoulders slumped, and I grabbed at the passenger door as soon as it was close enough, flinging it open.

My world was about to change even more.

I just wasn’t sure if it was for the best.

And what about Luca?

If my dad had been caught, would he also be caught?

Better yet, why did I care?

The engine hummed as soon as the captain turned the ignition key and the van lurched forward with a lot more torque than I had anticipated. Questions filled my mind, demanding answers, but I didn’t even know what to ask.

The captain remained silent, his focus fixed on the road ahead. I glanced out the window, the city streets passing by in a blur.

But then something caught my eye.

An old warehouse.

Much like the warehouse my father had been using for drugs. The one Luca had taken me to.

There wasn’t a warehouse like this on the way to the precinct.

My eyes narrowed and my neck craned around as I took in my surroundings wondering where in the hell we were and where we were headed.

“Where are we going?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

Fear rose inside of me, but I couldn’t let it be known. I had to figure out the truth, and fast.

The tension inside the van grew palpable as we continued on an unfamiliar route, the cityscape transforming into an almost deserted side of the city that I didn’t recognize. My heart pounded in my chest, each passing moment fueling a sense of unease. I turned to the captain, my voice laced with urgency.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded, my eyes locking with his. "I need answers. I need them now!”

I reached for my gun, but it wasn’t there.

The captain's gaze hardened. The weight of suspicion had become unbearable.

“Captain!” I yelled out. “This isn’t funny!” I was hoping more than anything it was just a sick-ass joke.