A rushof relief washed over me as we set off toward the front door. My heart drummed rapidly in my chest as a mixture of anticipation and dread surrounded me. I wondered if I could somehow escape, and what would happen if I tried.

The descent down the stairs was the longest in my life as I contemplated kicking Enzo and Dimitri down the steps and making a run for it.

But I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

This might be my only chance to confront my father.

I was about to see him in a way that I had never seen him before.

Under the worst circumstances imaginable.

I held tightly onto Luca's arm, almost finding a weird sort of solace in his presence. But the way I held him, was almost — defensive. Why would I be holding onto my kidnapper like this?

The warehouse Luca and his men approached in several town cars was rundown, to say the least. It didn’t look like anyone had been here in ages. The cars came to a halt in unison as the tires crunched against the gravel.

I took a deep, longing breath as the driver opened the door.

Stepping out onto the cracked pavement, the air smelled stale. The wind whispered through the emptiness and my head craned back and forth, looking for any sign of life.

All I saw was a desolate warehouse with peeling paint and broken windows.

It didn’t scream mob-owned.

I looked at Luca for any indication, but his expression was blank.


Every step we took amplified the emptiness that surrounded us.

The crunching of gravel beneath our feet was as loud as thunder.

Everything seemed still.

Enzo was up ahead already. He reached down to the large garage door and lifted it. The creaking of the hinges and gears rang out unpleasantly in my ears, and I cringed.

This was it.

The day I die.

Had to be.

With a gulp, I looked at Luca and cautiously, we stepped through the dimly lit hallway. The only light that beaconed us was one at the far end, and it flickered ominously like in a horror movie.

My stomach gurgled with nausea, and the air thickened with tension.

Where the hell was everyone?

There was a stale smell in the air. One that almost burned my nose.

I’d smelled it before.


There was a knot in the pit of my stomach. Who had I grown up with?

I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. There were crates stacked haphazardly and mounds of what I could only assume were illegal substances within.