“Want to go on a ride?”

I shrugged. “I think I’ll stay here for now.”

“I have a couple of witnesses to interview,” he said.

“On the Lasiter case?”

He nodded. “A few women said they were partying in the apartment across the street and saw him being murdered through the window.”

I jumped up, grabbed my hoodie, and finished chugging my coffee. “Let’s go.”

He clapped his hands. “There’s my partner!” he shouted excitedly. “Elevator?”

I shook my head.

He grabbed my forearm. “You know you’re going to have to get over this fear of elevators,” he said.

Rolling my eyes, I continued toward the stairwell. “Not afraid,” I shot over my shoulder. “They’re just stupid.”

He laughed behind me. “I’ll meet ya down there.”

* * *

Ignoringthe pile of paperwork related to my ongoing murder investigation and the witness files I’d just created, I diverted my attention to the computer screen. My mind was on Luca again.

I couldn’t shake him.

And maybe it was because I couldn’t shake him — that I was that intrigued, that interested — that I kept wanting to dig into the club incident.

Sighing, I looked over my shoulder like a child about to sneak a treat out of the cookie jar before dinner. With a few taps and clicks, I accessed the database of all the reports in the precinct.

I searched for recent shootings in a club or bar.

It would have been documented, and as much as I had agreed to keep the mystery between the two of us, I had to look. For my peace of mind.

What I was looking for, I had no idea.

But why had I not heard about it?

Why had Captain not heard about it?

To my surprise, there was no trace of it.



Confusion washed over me as I scrolled through the pages of all the shootings in the last month, desperately searching for any mention of a club shooting. How could such a significant event go unnoticed or unreported? It was as if the incident had been deliberately swept under the rug.

Questions swirled in my mind, each one leading to more confusion and suspicion. Was there a cover-up? Who had the power to erase something like that from the system? And why?

Surely it would have had to have been reported.Somewhere.

A club has so many people in it at any given time. Any one of them had the power to report gunshots. It would have happened.

It had to have.

The realization slowly dawned on me. There could have been other forces at play, operating in a way that manipulated the truth to serve one agenda or another. Moles. Dirty cops.