His question threw me for a loop, and I wasn’t sure why. Of course, he wanted his hands on it. I shook my head. “Like I said,” I started, “I’m not really interested in selling. I’d like to hang on to it.”

I couldn’t tell him what I was thinking.

There was a lot more that I wanted to find out about this coin to even think about parting with it.

But also, I couldn’t exactly steal someone else’s property.

The man's disappointment was evident, but he nodded understandingly. "Very well," he said. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks,” I said before flashing a final glance and smiling at him.

I slipped the coin back into my pocket and walked out of the door.

With more questions than I had started with.

As I pondered the significance of the mob coin and its connection to Luca, a range of possibilities raced through my mind. Why would he have something like this; something with ties to the mob? Was he a collector, drawn to the danger of the criminal underworld? Or was there a more personal tie?

The more scenarios I considered, the more my curiosity grew.

I was determined to find out the truth.

With the coin nestled safely in my pocket, I walked back out into the street.



As I stoodin the middle of my living room, a wave of fury washed over me. My brother just informed me that the rat bastards who shot up my club were connected to that asshole Dominic Betrami.

That motherfucker had the audacity to targetme? My club?

Me and this douchebag have been locked in a tense battle for years. We’ve had our fair share of scuffles, shedding blood, and drawing lines in the sand. I never expected him to attack my turf.

Not like this.

He knew where my territory was.

He knew where his was.

I respected his space.

He respected mine.

That was the fucking deal, and he had broken it!

I've always been strategic and calculated with my moves. I felt like a fucking moron to have let my guard down with that piece of shit. But we had an agreement.

I thought he was a man of his word.

We might be in the mob, but we generally had some goddamn integrity.

I told the bastard that I had no interest in diving into the drug game. That was his deal, not mine.

I left his areas alone and let him run his game. That was his domain. I respected it. I figured we could, at the very least, coexist, and he agreed. But no more. Since his little stunt, I vowed one thing: I was going to hit the bastard where it hurt.

He had just crossed a boundary with me that was going to make him rue the day he crossed me.

I was going to get into his game. I was going to encroach on his territory and by God, I was going to pull out all the fucking stops. I was going knock down his front door and kill him myself.