My stomach drops.

“How about your mom? Does she have tickles?”

My mouth falls open and my skin prickles with anticipation.

“Yes,” they scream at the same time as I say, “Absolutely not.”

He stands, towering over me, an amused smirk keeping me rooted in place. I tip my head back, meeting his eyes.

“Is that so?”

The roof of my mouth feels like sandpaper. “Uh huh.” I lick my lips, my heart stopping when his eyes drop and follow the movement.


I almost miss him reaching for me.


Letting out a blood curdling scream, I take off on a sprint back towards our house, one burly man, two crazy children, and a dog right behind me.

I’m close.

So close.

Just a few more steps and I’ll get inside.

I hate tickles almost as much as Isabel.

But I’m not close enough.

The air is knocked from my lungs when his arm wraps around my stomach and then his fingers are digging into my waist.

“Please stop,” I half cry, half laugh so hard I can’t breathe.

“No tickles, huh? You seem pretty ticklish to me.” He chuckles, his laugh vibrating against my back, his breath hot on my neck.

It’s not the only place I’m ticklish.

Hannah and Isabel join in on the torture. Even Missy rubs her nose on me.

Spent and out of air, my body crumbles. He doesn’t let me go at first, even after I beg for mercy. Eventually, I’m sliding down his body until my ass hits the grass. It’s cold, wet, and muddy, but the smile on my face is so big it hurts, and honestly, I don’t care how dirty I am.

My bullies all share a high five, victorious.

He crouches with his elbows on his knees. The rain is getting heavier, washing over our faces in torrents.

“You lose, pretty girl.”

I swipe my hands through the grass to splash him, but I’m far too exhausted to put any effort behind it.

“Wipe that grin off your face, King. I’ll get back at you.”

Standing, he reaches out his hand to help me up. I think about dragging him down here with me, but who am I fooling. He’s huge.

“I’m looking forward to it.” A slow wink and I melt all the way to my feet.

Leaning over, I rest my hands on my thighs, still feeling my lungs burn. “Your mom needs a rest. You’ve got five minutes.” They scurry away to do more twirls while me and my ass seek refuge on the steps.