I’m having many first days since I arrived in Pine Falls, but this one feels like my first day at school. It’s the hum of nerves swishing in my belly. I wasn’t this nervous starting my internship.

I haven’t worked since I had Hannah, and I haven’t waited tables in even longer. But I’m here, doing this.

Today is just another first. After today, it won’t be a first anymore.

Before getting out of the car, I check my phone. No missed calls from Cora which is reassuring. The girls ran off with a spring in their step when I dropped them off. Hannah didn’t even hesitate when she let go of my hand.

I tried not to cry.

I succeeded until I got in my car.

But this is good.

It’s good for them.

It’s good for me.

It’s just another first for all of us.

When I exit the car and stand outside the café, the air is fresh, if not a little chilly. Like those minutes in the morning when the dew still clings to the grass and the heat hasn’t reached the ground yet.

The door to the café opens with a ding. A couple exit with coffee cups in hand. The man stands aside, holding the door open for me. I thank him and step inside.

The café opens at eight. It’s ten minutes past, and the place is already filling with people for breakfast.

Booths line the wall on the far side, tables in the center and a row of stools are tucked in under the counter. Nobody occupies those just yet.

The smell of coffee has my mouth watering.

I don’t realize how long I’ve been standing here, drinking in everything, until someone blocks my view. “Can I help you with anything?” Her smile is familiar and warm, the green of her eyes haunting against her ebony hair. She pulls an order book from the pocket of her apron.

“I’m looking for Molly.”


“That’s me,” I say. It’s half a question because I have no idea who this girl is.

“He told me you were beautiful,” she says as she rubs her hand up and down my arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to meet you before now. I only got home yesterday, and I left early this morning. But I’ve heard so much about you.”

My blinking and gaping mouth must give me away.

She laughs. “I’m Maria.”

Logan’s sister.

I knew I recognized that smile.

“I should have known. It’s lovely to meet you.”

“My mother hasn’t stopped talking about those girls since you arrived. Thank you for letting her look after them. You have no idea how much she’s missed taking care of kids.”

“I think they’re just as happy to get a break from me. They left my side without a second look this morning.” I swear that sounded a little bitter.

“You’re starting today, right?” she asks.

“I’m going to try. I didn’t know you worked here.”

“Just for the summer months when I’m home from college. When I’m not here, I work some shifts next door at Molly’s—the bar, I mean.”