She shakes her head dismissively. “It’s nothing.”

Jaxson peers over her shoulder. “It’s a guy called Eric. He says he’s sorry for what he did, and can they meet up?”

The brothers share a look. “Booty call,” they say in unison.

“Hey!” Kim protests, getting to her feet. “That’s just fucking rude. And you shouldn’t be reading other people’s texts.”

“You shouldn’t open them in view of everyone if you don’t want them to be read,” Jaxson fights back.

He’s wearing an ACDC T-shirt. “I like your T-shirt.” I point, falling back on the couch.

“I like your face… Ouch.” He bends forward after receiving a hard elbow to his ribs from Eden. With him nursing his new injury, I finally get a look at her face. Green, almond shaped eyes shoot me a wink as she shrugs, the sprinkle of cute freckles dance across her nose.

Kim’s phone pings again. A frustrated growl leaves her lips, but this time there’s no lingering excitement in her brown pools. They’re the same as mine. She can’t hide anything from me.

“Shit,” she groans, blowing out a long breath. “It’s the hospital. They’re short staff and want me to go in. I totally forgot I made myself available this weekend.”

I tug at her T-shirt because my legs are still a little wobbly to stand. “You should go.”

“What? No way. I’m not leaving you here. We had plans.”

“You’re a nurse. Your job is more important. Seriously, go.” I see her indecision, but there’s no decision to be made, and all I want to do is go home and forget this night ever happened.

“Shit, sorry, sis. Are you okay to walk?”

I stand, but my knees shake so I sit again. “You can go ahead. I’m going to grab a bite to eat first anyway.” I lift my handbag. “I’ll be fine. I have my book.”

Her tongue pokes out, her eyebrows doing something funny that always has me on high alert. She glances around at my very beautiful crowd, who have now, thankfully, taken a step back. “She reads porn.”

I gasp, opening my mouth for a comeback, but Molly gets there before me. “Me too.”

“Yep,” Archer agrees. I was wondering if he spoke. “I can confirm.” He leans over and kisses her. “We’ve got a toddler to prove it.”


I hope my books don’t do that to me.


My vibrator can’t get me pregnant.

I giggle to myself, earning a confused look from my crowd, and an amused smirk from Logan. I tilt my head, narrowing my eyes. He mirrors me before winking like he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

Then I’m thrown sideways, right into Jaxson’s arms as he plops himself on the couch. He’s built like a tank, he shouldn’t do that.

I quickly adjust myself, but not before he pulls me back and looks at Kim. “Yeah, big sis, you should go. She’s good here.”

Offended, Kim crosses her arms. “How do you know I’m the older one?”

“I don’t. Lucky guess. I’ll take care of her.” He smirks and wraps his arms around my back, earning a glare so intense from Logan, Jaxson releases me so I can right myself.

He’s cute.

Dangerous, but cute.

Kim huffs, but she’s holding onto that phone like it’s about to detonate. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

Eden steps forward, not once taking her eyes from Jaxson. I swear, he cowers a little before she slaps the back of his head. She’s hands on, and I can’t say I’m opposed. “She’ll be fine. We’ll make sure she’s okay before she leaves.”