It’s cutting, but I need to stop this now because all I can pay attention to is how Bethany Rose is bristling against my chest, and I can already feel her eyes boring a hole in my face. She’s clearly not a fan of my reply.

Platinum taps the counter and winks. She sounds confident when she says, “Until next time. For now, two beers.”

Bethany Rose is practically heaving; her cheeks red and her tiny hands balled into fists.

After paying, I grab a stool and pull it to her side. “Sit. You’re going to combust.”

Crossing her arms, she does everything but stomp her feet.


“That was rude,” she finally lets out.

She sits anyway when I nudge the stool closer. Her outburst is more adorable than scary, but I’ll let her have her way.

“What was rude?”

“The way you spoke to her.” Another flush. “You two obviously…” She struggles to find the right words, the heat rising up her neck as she does.

I suddenly want to see her squirm.

Leaning in, my lips graze the shell of her ear. “Fucked?”

A small noise escapes before she straightens. “Yes. You didn’t need to be so harsh.”

“Why are you offended on her behalf?” I look back over at the bartender. She has her head thrown back as she laughs. “She looks fine to me.”

“That’s not the point. You were mean.”

“Mean?” I chuckle. “Would you prefer if I lied to her? I never planned on calling her. I don’t plan on seeing her again.”

And you’re right fucking here.

My ultimate distraction.

“Have you got any sisters?”


“What age is she?”

“Eleven,” I answer, blowing out a breath because I know exactly where she’s going with this and a knot forms in my stomach.

“You have an eleven-year-old sister?” She looks like she’s trying to solve a complicated math equation.

“Long story. Keep up, pretty girl. You were about to school me. Don’t get distracted now.”

“Right.” She shakes her head, turning serious. “When she’s older, how would you like—”

“A lot older,” I cut in.

“Okay, caveman, a lot older. How would you like if some guy treated her like that?”

I’d kill him.


“I know to you it was a one-time thing, but maybe think about being a little nicer next time you bump into a woman you’ve slept with. There are other ways of letting her down. Who knows? That night might have meant something to her.”