With her hand on her heart, she leans over and leaves out a long breath. “Thank God.” Reaching for her bag, she pulls out her purse and grabs more than she needs to. She said her photography pays the bills. I’m pretty sure she’s giving money she can’t afford.

“I’m meant to be paying you, remember?”

“Oh, please don’t insult me. I’m not charging you for this. It’s a great cause, and I had fun.”

Archer nods, the emotion on his face reflecting mine. “I appreciate it.”

“Have you got any other photos of your daughter?”

He pulls his wallet from his pocket and opens it to a picture of Evie. Her dark hair curls around her face, her blue eyes prominent against her fair skin.

Bethany Rose pulls that face women always pull around babies. “She’s so beautiful.”

“Yeah,” he agrees. “She gets it from her mother.”

She hands him back the wallet and holds up her camera before turning to me. “Have you got a computer I can upload these onto?”

Her eyes are glossy, tears threatening to fall.

“Sure. The office is in the back.”

She stands and pulls Archer into a hug, whispering something I don’t catch. He nods, returning her warm smile.

“It was good to meet you. Tell Molly I say hi.”

“Will do. Thanks for today.”

She squeezes his arm before disappearing down the hallway and into my office.

I don’t realize I’m staring after her until Archer breaks me out of my Bethany Rose-induced trance.

“Brother, don’t fuck with this one. I like her.”

“You’re as bad as Skip. Nothing’s going on.”



“Tell your face that.”

I need to tell my cock first.

“Where’s Jaxson?” I ask, choosing to ignore his comment. “I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Who knows. I don’t know what’s going on with him lately.”

I’m going to need to talk to him before he sets off.

He’s always had a good head on his shoulders, but his mind tends to spiral to darker places. He’s smart. Too smart for his own good sometimes. And it would be a lie if I said the little shit doesn’t make me lose sleep.

I usually trust he’ll turn to Eden if he’s having a hard time, but something’s off with them lately.

I decide that’s tomorrow’s problem. There’s not much I can do for him tonight. He probably won’t listen to me anyway. He rarely does.

“Thanks for everything, brother. I’m going to get home to the girls.”

I stand to hug him. “I’ll be back next week. I might kidnap that beautiful niece of mine so you can finally take your wife out.”