“Is that so?”

“What’s going on with you two?” Claire asks.

He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear with more love than I’ve witnessed in my entire life. Individually, they’re the most beautiful people in the room. As a couple, they’re devastating.

He smiles at her before looking back at me with imploring eyes. “It was sold before the exhibition. Someone saw it on the website, called up, and bought it.”

“Holy shit!” Claire holds her hand over her mouth. “Who?”

“Anonymous,” Jake says casually.

“Well, it won’t stay anonymous when it’s hanging in someone’s living room.”

“That’s the thing. It was donated back to the shelter.” He’s talking to his fiancé, but his eyes remain on me.

I simply offer a soft smile. I know he won’t out me. I owe them both more than I can ever put into words, and he wouldn’t accept the donation if he knew it was coming from me. It was my way of giving back to a place that dragged me out of the darkest depths. The women there shared their oxygen so I could breathe a little easier.

I would give them more if I could. God knows they deserve it.

It’s the only reason I’m here. I’m here on behalf of all the women at the shelter who can’t come to these events because the men who inflicted their pain are still breathing.

These events aren’t a part of who I am anymore. I don’t think they ever were. I squeezed into a mold that I never truly fit.

Besides, the painting will look beautiful hanging in the shelter. It’s nurturing, it gives hope when there’s very little to be found. And it gives me a sense of satisfaction knowing money from my husband’s business—a business he worked so hard for—is going towards a women’s shelter.

Jake dips his chin, resignation in the chaste wink and nod. I’ll never admit to it, and he doesn’t push, radiating reassurance like Jake always does.

My secret is safe with him.

“That’s amazing,” Claire mutters, tilting her head as she examines the painting, still none the wiser.

Jake is quickly drawn away by other guests, his company in high demand.

Claire links her arm with mine. “I fucking hate these events.”

“Can’t wait to see your wedding,” I say, knowing it makes her break out in a cold sweat.

She groans and changes the subject. “How are my girls doing?” Her eyes shine with warmth.

Hannah and Isabel might not have a father, but they have enough mothers to go round.

“Good. Kim has them tonight. Isabel was already snoring when I left.”

Rolling her eyes, she laughs into her glass. “Isn’t she always? She’s the laziest kid in the world.”

“Don’t jinx me. Hannah still doesn’t sleep through the night. The gods might have given me my second child to test how strong my heart is, but she sleeps like the dead. I pick my battles.”

“And the move? Now that everything is finalized on the business end, have you found a place yet?”

“Nope.” Thinking of the pile of boxes stacked in my living room, I feel anxiety spiraling in my chest, but I manage to swallow it down. “I’m hoping to move closer to Kim, but apparently houses are hard to come by. I’ll be lucky to find a shed.”

She averts her gaze, chewing her lip between her teeth. “I might have something… or someone that can help.”

“Claire, I warned you. You’ve helped me enough.”

“And you’ve helped me. You’re my friend. Isn’t that what friends do for each other? Let me introduce you?”

I guess it can’t hurt, and I’m running out of options… fast. I mumble my agreement while I drain my glass, letting the burn settle in my chest.