Like I said, I forgot how much my father-in-law’s voice reminds me of my husband’s.

I nod because my tongue is getting tangled around everything I want to say.

“Good because I’m delighted to hear that my grandchildren are happy. I would hate to hear of their mother grieving so much for her husband that she can’t take care of them anymore. Of course, if that were to happen, they would always have a place in our home.”

My arms fall to my sides. The room sways. I reach out to grab the chair because my knees can’t support my weight anymore.

I was wrong.

That’sa threat.

I was brought here to be reminded of his influence, of how easily he can pull the rug from under my life. He can take my girls.


I chew my lip to stop my teeth from chattering. “Understood.”

“Well, that’s settled then.”

Just like that.

The bad guys win again.

I know what this is. They didn’t fight me on keeping the company because in their twisted minds, I’m allowed to do what I want with it in exchange for my silence.

I want to be sick.

I should be used to it… being silenced. But it’s still a bitter pill to swallow.

I’ll swallow it over and over again if it means my children are safe.

“Is that it?”

He dismisses me with a wave and a firm nod that makes me want to curl up in a ball.

“I need to get back to the girls.”

I don’t look at anyone before I leave. If my mother opens her mouth, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.

Someone calls my name, but I ignore it. I just want to get home.

My legs wobble as I run down the steps toward my car.

“Bethany Rose, come back inside.”

I turn around to see my mother standing on the top step. It’s like I imagined in my little fantasy. Except she’s not welcoming me home. She’s here to drag me into the depths of hell or chastise me for running from it.

Out of everything that has happened today, her betrayal cuts the deepest because I’m a mother too. I know what it feels like. Imagining doing what she has done makes me want to claw at my flesh.

“What’s it like, Mom?” The tears finally fall, and I let them. “To not want to protect your children. To stand aside while they bleed in every way a person can.”

I swear there’s a flash of guilt before it disappears. She squares her shoulders and pulls at the hem of her blazer, righting herself.

“How dare you? I gave you everything growing up.”

I almost tumble down the remaining steps.

“Everything? Are you that delusional? You gave me nothing but issues not even a therapist can sort through. Dad gave me everything. He was there. He picked me up when I fell. For my first period, he was the one that went out and bought me everything I needed. My first broken heart, he was there to mend it. He never would have stood by and let what happened in there today happen.”