Mom warned me about men like this.

Good thing I never listen to my mother.

I blink, then blink again because I’ve obviously lost all ability to use my vocal cords.

“Bethany Rose?” Kim’s singsong voice breaks my trance. When did she come back out here? “You good, babe?”

“Yeah.” I swallow the break in my voice. “I’m good now. Sorry, like I said, needles aren’t my thing.”

“And you decided a tattoo studio was a good place to spend your evening?”

I scowl, feeling heat rush up my neck because he’s right. This was a stupid idea, but I don’t think he’s interested in hearing I just want to be a loyal sister.

“Take a seat…” His eyes linger on my face, and I’m not sure if he can’t remember my name or if he’s realizing it doesn’t suit me. “Bethany Rose,” he finishes, and I know the latter of my conclusions to be correct. “And try not to pass out.”

I laugh, but it’s too loud.

I think I’m still dizzy. It’s the only excuse as to why I’ve lost all sensibility because of a man. Granted, the spice and headiness of his scent is clouding my vision. And he’s standing so close, I can feel the heat of his body. But I’ve literally had men inside me and I haven’t felt this off-kilter.

“And try to relax. I don’t bite… often.” He winks and walks away as if that comment didn’t just make my knees wobble.

Kim finally introduces herself, with an obvious attempt at flirting. I stand awkwardly by, feeling a mix of amusement and envy at her confidence.

Why is she talking like her throat hurts?

She throws me a look that says, “Shut up”, and goes back to biting her lip.

“We should get started. I have your design ready.”

Kim’s shoulders slump forward when her charms fall flat.

He takes his seat as Kim hikes up her tank top to just below her breasts. He doesn’t even flinch. Most college guys would be drooling and dealing with a painful erection at the sight of my sister’s under boob.

She’s got great boobs.

But I bet Logan King is used to tattooing all parts of people’s bodies.

I want to ask him. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I think better of it. Imagining needles near my most intimate parts is doing little to ease the rocking in my stomach.

“Do you mind if she takes some pictures?” Kim asks.

Logan’s gaze flickers to me, and I hold my breath, waiting for his response. “As long as it doesn’t involve me spending the night in the emergency department, she can go crazy with that camera.”

“I’ll do my best,” I promise, acutely aware that we could very well end up in the emergency room.

Cindy emerges from the back, zipping up her coat and slinging her bag over her shoulder. “You girls all set before I take off? Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’m good, thanks,” I reply.

She gives Logan’s shoulder a friendly squeeze. “Okay, boss man. Don’t forget your brothers are coming in an hour. You need to finish Archer’s back piece.”

He slips on black rubber gloves and side-eyes Cindy. “How could I forget?”

“Anything else you need?”


“I was just being nice, Logan. You’re supposed to say, ‘You already do enough for me, Cindy. Why don’t you go and enjoy your Friday night?’”