She nods. “Close. I almost had to be hooked up to fluids after.”

We all burst out laughing.

“I needed this,” I trail off, ignoring their curious eyes.

Molly nudges me. “Everything okay?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell them about the kiss, but I’m not sure I can handle more opinions. Not when I can’t make sense of my own just yet, so instead I shrug and say, “Just a restless night. I want to hear more about Eden and Jaxson.”

There’s a glint in her eye I recognize. It’s memories. The ocean of secrets women keep. They’re hers, and she wants to hold onto them.

“That’s all there is to tell. He always manages to get on my last nerve, but even I’m not stupid enough to deny that those King men have something special.” She tilts her head toward Molly. “You should know.”

She doesn’t respond, instead choosing to refill the already full napkin holders as her eyes glaze over, the ghost of a sad smile curling down on her mouth.

They’ve walked through the depts of hell together. I can’t imagine it’s been easy. Honestly, I admire her for being here and having a normal conversation.

She scratches at her neck nervously, so I revert the subject. “Logan says Jaxson is thinking of moving back to Pine Falls.”

He did. He told me last week.

Now both women look at me with wide eyes. Though I’m sure the color is only draining from Eden.

“This day keeps getting worse.” Clearing her throat, her gaze darts to Molly. “He wouldn’t, would he? Jaxson back in Pine Falls?” She doesn’t give us an opportunity to answer. “Never.”

“Apparently, the band are taking a break.”

“It makes sense,” Molly adds. “He did mention it a couple of times during Evie’s funeral, but I assumed it was wanting to be around family at a time like that. I don’t think he’s had the same love for the road since.”

“Did Archer not say anything to you about Jax coming home?”

“Ah, that would involve speaking to each other.” She tries to laugh off the comment as she brushes imaginary wrinkles from her apron. She lifts her gaze to stare out onto the square.

“Moll?” Eden reaches for her hand as I wrap an arm around her shoulder.

“It’s a rough patch. We’ll get through it. We always do.”

“Of course you will. You’re the strongest couple I’ve ever met,” Eden says, casting a worried frown my way.

“We’re here if you need us,” I offer.

“Thanks, you two. I appreciate it.” She smiles and opens her mouth to continue but the bell rings over the door, signaling another customer. I silently curse the interruption.

“Oh, fuck,” Eden curses. “Satan is following me.”

Ah, Emily.

White blonde hair styled in a straight bob cut, high cheek bones, and crystal blue eyes, she’s practically a Victoria’s Secret model.

No, wait, sheisa Victoria’s Secret model.

Her eyes immediately fall on Eden, who is trying to hide behind the menu.

“There you are.” Emily slaps the menu from Eden’s hands. She stuffs the cookie in her mouth before wiping the crumbs from her lap.

“I promise I'm just eating this and I'm going to find you a photographer for your big day.”

“Where are you going to find a photographer with less than two weeks to a wedding?”