Through the gap in the curtains, the sun shines a blinding ray of light.

He stayed through the night.

“The girls—”

“Are downstairs,” he reassures, his touch never leaving. “You gonna take a deep breath for me?”

My teeth are chattering but I do as I’m told.

“I should make them something to eat.” I attempt to pull the covers back, but he stops me.

“They’re fine.”

“I don’t expect you to look after my kids. I’ve been sick before. I can do it.”

“I know you can, but you should rest. Besides, if you interrupt Molly and Hannah’s reading marathon, she might kill you.”

“Molly’s here?”

“And Eden. Isabel is educating her on potty training.”

“Poor Eden.”

I don’t know if it’s the fever or how much my heart is swelling but tears spring to my eyes.

“Kim said she’s going to call by when she’s finished her shift.”

“Am I dying?”

He chuckles. “What?”

“Why is everyone here?”

“They heard you were sick and came to help out.”

“That’s it?”

He’s looking at me like I’ve sprouted horns. “Does there need to be something else?”

“No,” I breathe, fiddling with a loose thread in the blanket.

“That’s how it’s done around here. You need to get used to it. We look after our own.”

I can see that.

And I’m one of their own.

God, it feels good.

“Now,” he says, standing and pulling the covers back. “Move over.” I stare up at him, unblinking, more confused than I was waking from my dream. “Move your ass, Beth.”

I don’t know why, but I move, and stare at him as he climbs in next to me fully clothed. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his chest.



“What are you doing?”