I can’t hold it back anymore. I grab her arms and pull her onto my lap. Her arms lock around my neck like she’ll evaporate and disappear if she lets go. “Goddammit, baby. I can’t stand to see you hurting like this.”

She’s hot to the touch, and I know better than to hold her this close when she’s sick. She needs to cool down, not my body heat, but her grip is so tight, I couldn’t let her go if I wanted to.

And I just don’t fucking want to.

After long minutes, my shoulder is wet from her tears, but her sobs have calmed. I run my fingers through her hair. She moans her comfort, relaxing in my arms as her breathing evens to a pace I’m sure she’s fallen asleep again.

Her hair is tossed, curling around her shoulders and covering her face.

Her face should never be covered.

Gently, I pull back the curtain of hair so it falls down her back, and she’s all but snoring.

Careful not to wake her, I wonder if she would be more comfortable if I just sat here all night with her in my arms because I still don’t want to move, and it’s the first time I’ve heard her breathe without a wheeze.

Holding her a little tighter because I can, my eyes drink in every feature. I can't see them, but I know those dimples are there, the curve of her nose, the captivating depths of her closed eyes, the bright brown orbs hidden as she sleeps.

“Hey,” I whisper.

“Hmm?” she responds, keeping her eyes shut.

“Time for bed.”

Standing, I pull back the blankets and lay her down.

I run my thumb over the outline of her cheekbone. “Goodnight.”

Her hand falls and grabs mine as I begin to walk away. “Can you stay?”

My heart jumps into my throat.

I shouldn’t.

It’s a bad idea.

But my feet won’t fucking move. They’re like lead, weighed down and keeping me planted.

I can’t see her having another nightmare. I might dig Rob from his grave just to piss on his corpse.

Too exhausted to open both her eyes, she peers at me through one. “Please.”

How am I going to refuse that?

I dip my chin before kicking off my boots and laying down on the other side, careful to remain on top of the covers and keep the distance I don’t want between us.

All I hear is her breath hitch as I rest my head on the pillow.

We don’t speak, and I wait until I’m sure she’s asleep to finally relax. My eyes grow heavy, but just before I fall into darkness, her finger hooks around mine. It’s the smallest touch, but she might as well be everywhere from how my skin heats.

“Get some sleep, pretty girl. I’m not going anywhere.”

She releases a long breath. “Thank you, Logan.”



“Babe, open the door.”