Me:It’s better than sex.

Kim:You need to have more sex.

Me:You’re not wrong.

Kim:It’s your last weekend here for eight months. Go get laid. You won’t even have to see them again.

Me:I’m ordering more pancakes, then I’m going home to sleep. How did things go with the priest?

Kim:HA! The most boring stoned person ever. He brought me for breakfast. I feel like this is weird. Is it weird?

Me:Stop freaking out. It’s not weird. Go with it.

Kim:OK. Love you. See you later… I think.

Me:Such a minx. Love you too.

I grab another fork full of food. Judgy lady with the evil eyes be damned.


The deep rasp of his voice startles me enough that the phone flies out of my hand and a lump of food lodges in my throat.

Please don’t choke right now.

I swallow quickly, thankful when the food clears from my airways.

Cheeks flaming red, I tilt my head back to look at my guest, towering over me with the same power he exuded last night. There’s an amused arch of his brow before he rubs the smirk away with his thumb. I follow the motion too intently. I blame my sister’s brownie for thinking he looks edible.

“Me?” I giggle and quickly bite my lips together. Clearing my throat, I sit straight. “Yes, it’s me.”

“The runner.”

I pout, but he’s right, and I’m sure if I weren’t stoned, I would be embarrassed. “The runner,” I agree, wiping my mouth with the napkin. “Sorry about that, and in my defense, I said goodbye last night.”

He eyes the table of food. “Weed makes you hungry, huh?”

“Hush.” I glance around to make sure nobody heard. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit. You’re flying high right now, Bethany Rose.”

Everything in me goes to mush. I’ve never loved my name as much as I do when it’s said with the timbre in his voice.

I still don’t correct him because it’s the first time I’ve ever liked my full name.

I’m so weird.

And high.

So, so high.

Fighting the nervous laugh bubbling in my throat, I focus on anything but him.

“I didn’t smoke weed.”

Really? That’s what I go with?

He chuckles and slips into the seat across the table.