“It’s hopeless. I don’t date. Or at least I haven’t in a really long time. And I never imagined going on one because I promised myself I wouldn’t. I know we’re going as friends so we’re basically just hanging out. We do that all the time. But why won’t my hair sit straight, and why do I suddenly have nothing to wear?”

Eden looks past me to Molly. “She’s rambling. It’s worse than I thought.”

Molly nudges me playfully before standing and reaching out her hands to help me up. Forcing me to sit on the bed, she gets to work on taming my unruly hair. My hair is never unruly. It’s theI’m-going-on-a-date-with-Logannerves that’s causing the static. And it’s not just my hair. I’ve felt the static all over my body since he stood too close to me, and I needed to drag myself away from pressing up on my tiptoes and kissing him.

I attempt to fall back on the bed, defeated, but Molly pushes me back up to sit straight. She presses her palm against my cheek, smiling, her eyes soft. “You’re going on a date.”

I can’t help but smile back.

I’m going on a date.

Baby steps.

Relaxing as she begins her work, the nervous energy swirling in my blood warms into something resembling excitement.

Eden is busy reorganizing my wardrobe as she assesses my options. She scurries over and runs her hands along my bare legs. “At least buy me dinner first.”

“You shaved,” she deadpans.

“This morning.” I didn’t shave for a date.

“I really wish you hadn’t.”


“Those boys have a history of making women’s underwear disappear,” Molly explains. I look between them, bewildered. “Seriously. I think Archer got me pregnant by winking at me.”

Not surprised.

“We’re going as friends,” I remind them, but my blood boils anyway at the thought.

Eden scoffs and ties her locks of red hair back from her face. She’s getting to work. “Don’t we all.”

Nothing is happening between me and Logan.



My heart is beating out my chest and my body betrays me when he’s near, but that’s a crush, right?


Who the hell am I trying to fool?

It’s not Molly and Eden. No, they’re looking at me like I’m a moth about to come very close to a flame.

They know Logan. They know that if you have a pulse then you’re not immune to him. Nobody is safe around that man.

Eden holds up a simple black dress, it’s one every woman needs in their wardrobe. It’s sexy and classy all in one. It’s exactly what I should wear for a first date. But this isn’t a real date. I’m going out with a friend. And right now, all I can see is how easily his hand can slip under it, or how I could hold it around my waist.

“No dresses,” I blurt in a panic. “Jeans. Something with lots of buttons. A straight jacket might be appropriate.”

Eden eyes the dress before understanding washes over her face. She slips it on the hanger and puts it back in the wardrobe where it belongs. “Honey, you are so fucked.”

Molly laughs at my side. “Literally.”

I blow out a long breath and fan my clammy skin with the collar of my sweater. Noticing my unease, Eden offers a warm smile and agrees, “Jeans and a straight jacket. I’m on it.”