“Yeah.” He breathes heavily in the late afternoon sun, tossing the dirty rag in his free back pocket. “Cindy had it covered. I have plans this evening.”

“Oh really? And what plans were so important they dragged Logan King from his work?”

He smiles with that mischievous glint I’ve come to adore shining in his eyes. “I have a date.”

My mouth falls open, and I can only hope I hide it fast enough, but the abrupt sting in my chest makes it impossible to speak. I chew my lip between my teeth harder than I should, but I need anything to distract me from the little green monster stomping around inside.

Of course, he’s going on a date. Why wouldn’t he? I’m surprised he hasn’t been on more since I moved in. Or maybe he has, and I’ve chosen to ignore it because acknowledging it means I would have to face the flutter of feelings I have for him.

No such luck tonight, because that flutter becomes a tsunami and washes over me until my eyes burn with unshed tears.

I’ll soon need to get over this little infatuation because this is how it’s going to be.

I just don’t like it.

There’ll be dates and women. There’ll be that one woman who makes it impossible for all others to even have a chance.

It’s stupid. Do I even want a chance?

No, because I swore I wouldn’t do this to myself. The wounds are still too raw, yet knowing Logan is going on a date seems to be picking at a nerve that’s been left open for a long time. A nerve I always buried, slapped a Band Aid on, and ignored. I’m just realizing it never fully healed.

Trying to keep my voice even, I force a smile and ask, “Who’s the lucky girl?”

One slow but large stride forward and he’s stealing the air from my lungs. My breath hitches, stuttering in my throat from his proximity. My eyes fall to the droplet of sweat falling over his broad chest and my fingers twitch with the want to reach out and trace it. When I look up again, that sexy smirk is curling on his lips.

He leans impossibly closer, and it takes all my power not to close my eyes and moan, dizzy from him. Gaze darkening, he brands me without ever touching me.

“You,” he breathes. I feel it against my lips.

I’m still too hypnotized by him to remember what we were talking about.

“Excuse me?”

“You,” he repeats, that beautiful smirk growing to a full-on grin that makes my heart race.

I point at my chest, confused. “Me?”

“Yes, you. I’m taking you on a date.”

It takes a second for what he’s saying to register. I fall back on my heels, but he reaches out and grabs my elbow, preventing me from moving back. I wish he wouldn’t because I can’t think straight and process what he’s telling me when he’s standing this close.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath because the ball of panic will come. I can’t go on a date. “Logan—”

“Eyes on me.”

When I do, I’m trapped again in jade pools, lost in the specs of earthy brown. He cups the side of my face, his thumb briefly brushing over my lower lip. The panic hasn’t surfaced yet. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in shock or if Logan is chasing it away.

“It’s me, pretty girl.” Like I need the reminder. I know who he is, and I know what he isn’t. I’m safe. “Let me take a beautiful woman on a date.” He tips his chin. “As friends, of course. Maria’s babysitting. The girls are happy. Take a night. Let me show you what it feels like.”

There’s a voice screaming in my head,I don’t want just friends. And that’s the only voice causing my fear.

I’m not supposed to want this. It’s dangerous. My heart won’t take it, and I’ll break again.

Wordless, I shake my head, desperate to feel the guard coming down, to feel the foundation of a wall, anything to protect myself. Nothing comes. I’m left open to all the elements of Logan King. I grip his hand as it still traces circles on my face with his thumb.

“Let someone take care of you for a change. Let someone do it right. And fuck, just for tonight, I’m asking for you to let it be me.”

There’s a pleading in his voice. It doesn’t have to be him to show me, but I want it to be.