Because he wasn’t you.

But I don’t say that because I’m not completely crazy. Not yet anyway.

“I don’t think I date.”

Really? That’s my reply?

“You don’t think you date?”

I chew my lip between my teeth to buy myself time.

What I said wasn’t a lie, so I keep going. “Yes. I mean, I don’t think I can, and I’m far from ready.” I feel stupid, but there’s no point in stopping now. That would be sensible. “I wouldn’t even know what to do. I've never had a first date.”

He simply stares at me with the muscles in his jaw still twitching. It’s oddly fascinating to watch.

“You were married. Surely, he took you on a date at some point. And weren’t you in relationships before then?”

“Two not serious relationships. We were in college. Our dates consisted of hanging out with friends and ended in one of our beds.”

His eyes flare.

“With Rob, our relationship started as a secret. Then we jumped straight to the pregnant part. Our first date was our wedding day. I never had the stereotypical first date.” I smile at him. “Although I did have an almost first date with a tattoo artist once, but he turned out to be an asshole.”

All tension leaves his body as he throws his head back and laughs. His eyes meet mine again, lighter now, but no less dangerous.

“That’s a fucking tragedy. You deserve so many first dates.”

I shrug, focusing on the water beginning to boil in the pot. “It is what it is. Want some dinner?”

The lift of his lips is enough to set my blood alight. He presses his hands against the counter, and I need to tear my eyes away from the bulging veins in his forearms.

“I can’t. I need to go into the city for a couple of days. I’ve got some meetings and clients booked in.”

I try and fail to hide the disappointment on my face. “Cool.”


“You been reading again?”

Both our gazes’ zone in on the open book. It’s turned upside down on the bookmarked page.

Thank the heavens for discreet covers.

But it’s too late. He’s already noticed the sheer panic on my face.

I dive for it.

He’s quicker and grabs it before I can.

“Give me the book,” I demand.

I’m hot.


“Put the book down, Logan.” I’m begging now. I’ll happily beg.

With his shit-eating grin, I go from wanting to rip all his clothes off to wanting to kick him in the balls… after I rip his clothes off.