Clad in his signature black jeans and T-shirt, he looks as cool as a spring day, and not like the sun is baking us.

Blowing my hair from my face, relief instantly washes over me at the sight of him. I don’t know what his plans are today, but he’s about to be roped into helping me.

Hannah yelps at my side when Missy takes a dive into the pool, splashing all of us.

“See, baby, if Missy can do it, so can you.”

“Are you calling me a dog?”

Desperate, I stare up at Logan as if he can help with a way out of this because my kids are proving to be impossible today.

“We’re in crisis, King. We’ve already been in, but Hannah wanted to jump so we’ve been standing here for ten minutes waiting. In those ten minutes, she’s developed the personality of a disgruntled teenager.”

He throws his head back and laughs.

I frown.

Like second nature, he takes Isabel from where she’s trying to wriggle out of my arms.

I stand, my back already beginning to burn from the blistering heat. In my rush to get out here, I forgot to put suncream on myself.

“Please, help a neighbor out.”

I don’t know if it’s my flushed skin or the sweat beading down my face, but he takes pity on me.

“I need potty, Loggie.”

He places Isabel back down and says, “Okay, baby girl. How about you go do that with your mom. I’ll go change and help Hannah.”

The man was sent from heaven, I’m sure of it.

“I can’t do it,” Hannah whines.

“We’ll see about that. Don’t hang around the pool on your own. Go inside with your mom, and when I get back, we’ll do it together.”

Head hanging between her shoulders, she mumbles, “Okay.”

He ruffles his fingers through her hair as she passes. “That’s my girl.”

My girl.

I wait for him to react, but he doesn’t.

Hannah’s lips begin to lift, and my heart takes flight.

My girl.

Goddamn it, heart, stay in your lane.

Ten minutes later, we’re all back outside, suncream freshly applied, and eager to get back in the damn water before we scald.

Logan is wearing navy swim shorts.

Let me repeat that.

Logan is wearing navy swim shorts.

Tattoos on full display, sweat trickles over his bicep and stomach.