Relief washes over me. I grab the wine, taking the bottle and Logan to the kitchen to pick at some leftovers.

Placing the phone on the counter, I sit on the stool. “Okay so the first book—”

“You already read a book?”

“I’m on the second one. Don’t judge.”

Smiling, he shakes his head. “No judgement here. Come on. I’ve got my beer. I’m ready.”

I hold up my wine glass and tip it towards the phone. “Cheers.”

And we talk. I tell him all about my books. He notices when I squirm. I notice when his breathing comes a little heavier.

When neither of us want to say goodnight, we continue talking. We talk about everything and nothing.

We cringe about past relationships—none of the dark ones. I learn he almost got married once. It didn’t work, but they’re still friends, because of course they are. It’s Logan.

He tells me Hannah is getting really good at soccer and how it makes his day when Isabel runs to him after work.

And I can only sit here, mesmerized by how he speaks about my children. I don’t stop him because I can’t.

As it turns out, praise isn’t the only kink I have.

I have an entire Logan kink.

By midnight my eyes are closing.

“Go to bed,” he tells me.

My nod is slow and takes effort.

“Now,” he demands.

“So bossy.”

“And take the phone so I know you didn’t fall asleep in the kitchen.”

I roll my eyes but obey.

Missy follows close behind and takes her spot at the end of the bed while I climb in.

“See. I made it.”

“Such a good fucking girl.”

My mouth falls open.

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

The screen goes black.


“Mom,” Hannah squeals at a pitch that can only be heard by dogs. “It’s too cold.” She dips one toe in the water and immediately comes running back.

“You gotta just jump in, sweetie. You’ve already been in. You know it’s only cold for a second.”

I woke this morning to a text from Logan telling me he opened the pool so we could use it to cool off on one of the hottest days of the year. We spent our morning in there, but after going back inside for snacks, Hannah decided she wanted to jump in on the deep end, which is why I’m here, trying to tackle a toddler and encourage Hannah to jump just like she wanted to.