Poor Kim almost buckles as I take off towards the door.


The priest.

His wet hair is sleeked back from his face, looking more brown than blond when wet.

“Damon,” I greet, trying not to make it obvious that he stuck it in my sister just hours ago, but I fail miserably.

“Beth,” he says, unsure. “Is your sister home?”

I chew my lip between my teeth. I can practically hear her hyperventilating. “Let me check.”

Wide, terror-stricken eyes greet me when I return with a shit-eating grin on my face.

“Why didn’t you tell him I wasn’t here?”

“Because you are.”

She points to the door like an insistent toddler. “Go out there right now and tell him I’m sleeping.”

I grab my coat and bag, biting my lips together to smother another laugh. “Can’t do that.”

I swear she stomps her foot. “Why not?”

“Because you’re a grown ass woman, and he’s our neighbor. I leave tomorrow and won’t be able to act as a buffer between you two. You’ll eventually have to answer the door yourself and face him. Better sooner than later.”

“I prefer later.”

“Maybe he wants rounds four, five, and six.”

I don’t know how someone can pale and blush at the same time, but my sister masters it. “Christ, Beth, I’m going to need an ice bath before any of that again.”

Another knock on the front door. “I can hear you in there.”

“Yeah, well, we can hear you every weekend,” I shout back. I must remind Kim to teach me CPR because she’s on the verge of needing it. “Just go and talk to him. Do something else. You don’t have to have sex with him. Go for coffee, talk, or whatever it is people do on a date.”

She gawks at me like I’ve grown another head. “A date?”

“Call it whatever you like. I gotta go.” I grab a brownie from a container. “I have an art class to get to.”

“I don’t know why you sign up for those, you’ve always been really bad at drawing.”

“Thanks, sis.”

She eyes the brownie in my hand. “You’re going to eat one of those?”

Seriously, that’s what she’s concerned about?

Before I can respond, she shakes her head, waving me off with a tight smile. “Never mind. Enjoy the brownie and your art class. Make sure you tell meallabout it.”

“Okay…” I drawl, suddenly confused.

She walks me to the door, but I exit before I’m dragged into their awkward silence.

As the elevator doors slide open, I cast them one final look. “Nice sweats, Damon.” I wink, eyeing what’s not hiding beneath the material. “And stay out of my room, you horny teenagers.”

The elevator doors close as Damon erupts into laughter and Kim throws her head in her hands.