I thought of an escape plan and then remembered how ridiculous it sounded.

I’m here alone.

I don’t speak to my sister because he doesn’t like Kim. He said she interferes too much.

She always pointed out how unhappy I was when she called.

Last night wasn’t the first time he hit me.

Something in me knows it won’t be the last.

This morning, when I woke, he brought me breakfast in bed, and an apology in the form of roses.



My eyes snap away from the box of roses to the man carrying them.

Where did I go?

I blink and Logan is at the man’s side, staring at me with too much concern, scrutinizing every inch of my face.

“I can take those,” he offers.

“It’s fine.” I wave him off. Rolling my shoulders back, I plaster a smile on my face and force myself to feel the heat in my bones, to recognize I’m in the café and not in a bedroom from years ago, and to finally find the power in my limbs to reach out and take the box of flowers. “I’ve got it.”

Hardly able to keep eye contact with Logan for more than a second, I take the box and sign my name to the delivery docket. Ignoring the eyes burning holes in my back, I take the flowers into the kitchen where Molly is icing some cupcakes. A five-tier wedding cake looks like it’s defying the laws of physics.

“It’s a topsy turby cake,” she explains as I eye the confusing masterpiece.

“It’s mind boggling is what it is. I’m assuming these are the flowers for it.”

She laughs and takes the box from me before getting to work on assembling the flowers down each tier.

“You’re an artist.”

“Thank you.” Hands on her hips, she stands back and proudly admires her work. “You can go. The lunch time rush is over. Maria can finish up.”

Fear clogs my throat. I’m more scared than relieved because I know when I leave this kitchen, a six foot three Viking will be waiting for me on the other side of the door.

Embarrassment eats me alive from the inside out.

How do I even explain myself?

“I can stay.”

She squeezes my shoulder. “See you tomorrow.”

I untie my apron, grab my bag, and say a silent prayer that Logan needed to go back to work.

No such luck.

I decide it’s best if I get there first. “Can I speak to you for a minute?”

Why does he look as scared as I feel?

I exit through the back door and into the alley. If I break down, I don’t want the entire town knowing about it.