She holds out her hand, offended on behalf of women everywhere. “Logan King, do not finish that sentence.”

“Great teeth.” I keep going.

She throws her head back and laughs, loud and free.

I’m addicted to the sound the second I hear the sound.

“Okay, so what’s the problem? I mean she has great teeth.” She wipes a tear from the corner of her eye.

“She’s my neighbor.”

The beer she just drank threatens to come spilling out of her mouth, but her hand flies to her face to stop it. It still doesn’t hide from how red her cheeks have become.

“See my problem?”

She nods, but even as she clears her throat, her mouth still tilts into the most breath-taking grin. “So do you take women’s panties off, or do they just melt?”

“I prefer to take them off. The melting is a hazard.”

“I can see why.”

“How are yours doing?”

“Third degree burns over here.”

We clink our beers together.

Silent for a long minute, she rests her head on her hand and stares. I’m not sure if the beer is getting to her, but her eyes are glossy.

“Sexy, huh?”

“Are you fishing for compliments?”

She shrugs making the material of her sweater fall farther down her arm.

Eyes on her face.

“You said it.”

“I said sexy as hell, and I meant it.”

She glances at her watch. “I’ll have you back at the same time every night for my ego boost.”

Why hasn’t someone been telling her this every fucking day?

Silence ensues. A comfortable silence.

It dawns on me that I’ve never been able to sit in silence with anyone besides myself—and Missy.

“What’s the dream?” she finally asks, her eyes still focused on the lake. “What’s your dream?”

“This,” I answer honestly. “This is the dream. All I’ve ever wanted is peace, and I’ve found it here. I didn’t have the best start. Shitty parents under shitty circumstances but find me someone that didn’t have one of those things. Not everyone is as lucky as I’ve been, and I know that. I’m grateful for it. I might not have everything, but I have enough.”

There’s a mutual understanding when our eyes connect.

Something stabs me in the chest.

I had chances of more. I had opportunities to have everything I planned to have: a successful business with a wife and kids to come home to.