“So, you love soccer and books. Good to know.”

“Uh huh.” She nods, an orange tinge around her mouth from the pasta sauce. “They’re my favorite things. Maybe I’ll be a World Cup winning librarian.”

His brows almost reach his hairline. “You know what, kid? I think you’re gonna do it.”

“Mom likes to read too, but her books always have people kissing on the front or men with tattoos like you.” She pretends to gag.

I stare into my spaghetti while his eyes burn into the side of my face.

I stuff more food in my mouth, anything to avoid answering his unasked questions.

Thanks, Hannah.

“Do you read?” she asks.

“I can. Don’t mean I like it.”

Her eyes almost bulge out of her head.


“How can you not like to read?”

“Maybe you can recommend something?”

Her face lights up. “I’ll be right back.”

She’s off like a shot.

I look at him from the corner of my eye only to be greeted with a shit-eating grin.

“Kissing books, huh?”

I chew the inside of my cheek.

“Just kissing?”

Heat rises up my neck.

I don’t look at him because he will make me hot everywhere.


With a deep breath, I finally lift my gaze to his. “Nope,” I answer, reaching out to grab Isabel from his lap.

“Nope, what?”

“Not just kissing.”

That smile gets impossibly wider.

It’s intoxicating.

“Shut up. Eat your food.”

His shoulders shake with a deep chuckle while I slowly die on the inside.
