I laugh under my breath.

This time he completely turns to face her, an indent between his brow from the frown he’s casting. It’s mean and sexy as hell. Nobody should be gorgeous while scowling.

“See you tomorrow, Cindy.”

She blows him a kiss. “Thanks, boss man.”

“And Cindy,” he calls before she leaves. She spins around. “Enjoy your night. And be careful.”

She rolls her eyes but smiles. “Whatever, Dad.” She waves and disappears into the night.

I leave Logan to get on with his work while I take photos from a distance. Attempting to step closer, my head spins, so I retreat, staying far enough away and positioning myself on the side of Logan where I can’t see what he’s doing to my sister.

When I think I can finally do it, I roll my shoulders back and swallow the fear bubbling in my throat.

It’s just a needle.

He’s not going to stab me with it.

I hope.

I close my eyes and brace myself by gripping the side of the bed. The buzzing makes my mouth water, and my gag reflex proves to be as weak as ever.

Just fucking do it.

I open my eyes and see spots of blood on Kim’s skin.

Then everything goes black.


When me and Kim were young and spent our weekends sleeping over at each other’s houses, it never went as smoothly as we always promised. We were sisters with only a two-year age gap, and after the love fest of not seeing each other all week ended, we fought… over everything.

She’s older than me, and thought she knew better.

When I stole her clothes one too many times, she always made the same threat: “Have you ever woken up with a crowd around you?”

She was all talk and has yet knock me out.

But as my eyes flutter open, it’s painful. The light from above seems too bright.

“You’ve finally done it, haven’t you?” I croak. “You’ve knocked me out.”

I hear her nervous laugh and a warm palm on my leg. “If I knocked you out, you’d know about it.”

When my vision adjusts, I see there really is a crowd around me.

Thank you, lord, for giving me such a beautiful crowd.

“Hey, pretty girl. Welcome back.” A deep voice startles me, causing me to jolt upright, but a firm hand on my shoulder eases me back down, a glass of water in his other hand. “Take your time.”

Logan King.

I remember now.

The sight of the needle piercing Kim’s skin, the tiny droplets of blood, and then… nothing. I wince as a wave of nausea washes over me.

Momentarily ignoring the other people around me, I ask, “What happened?”