My mouth waters.

Maybe we’re not there yet.

I go from station to station, keeping out of people’s personal space while I take shots of everything that’s happening.

I rest my hand on Logan’s shoulder. I don’t want to startle him with that thing in his hand. “I’m going to head outside.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. I just want to get pictures of what’s going on.”

“Bethany Rose,” he calls out just as I’m about to leave.

I spin around, a stupid smile already plastered on my face.

His gaze remains locked with mine, but it might as well be everywhere. He wipes another grin away with his thumb.

I want to cut off that thumb.

But there’s no mistaking the slightest tilt of his lips as he shakes his head. “Nothing, pretty girl. Just looking.”


Present day


“Why is there a For Sale sign in your lawn?” Kim greets me with wide eyes, her hand resting on the handle of her suitcase.

I pull her into a hug. “It’s good to see you too, sis.” I reach out and take the suitcase, heaving as I pull it inside. It weighs a ton. “Is Damon in there?”

“Beth, why the hell is that sign in your garden?”

I forgot I needed to tell her… on purpose.

Leaving her suitcase in the hallway, I grab her hand and drag her through the living room. “Coffee?”

There are boxes everywhere. I bought the boxes months ago, but they’ve been hidden away.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Now I have no other choice but to deal with it.

The boxes are empty. Taking them out of the closet was enough for one day.

“Beth, what the fu—” I clamp my hand over her mouth.

“Isabel is napping, but Hannah is in the kitchen so watch your language. The landlord is selling the house. I’ve been trying not to have a panic attack since yesterday. I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve missed you. I want to spend time with my sister, but I have thirty days to get out of this house and find a new one with two children. I’m having lunch with our mother today. Our mother, Kim. That’s enough to send me over the edge, but now I have a house to pack, I’m going to a damn art exhibition this week, because God knows an art exhibition is exactly what I need right now, and I have a meeting tomorrow to sell a company. Oh, and… And…” I stutter, that panic attack beginning to rear its ugly head again. “I’m having lunch with our mother today. Did I already say that? I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a mess. My life is a mess. So, I need you to not be a mess. I need you to tell me everything is going to be fine, even if it’s a lie.”

She grabs me by the shoulders and jerks me. “Damn it. Pull yourself together. Everything is going to be fine.”

I inhale and hold it before blowing out a long breath. “Thank you for lying to me.”

“No problem. I’m here for a week. We’ll get it worked out together.”

Now it’s her turn to take my hand and pull me into the kitchen. After hugging Hannah and smothering her with kisses, Kim pulls out the chair and pushes me down to sit.

“Relax. I’ll make coffee. We’ll work it out.”