
“Why not?”

Because she owns me, body and soul.

I take her hand and press a kiss to each of her fingers. “I met you, and I learned that even a lone wolf can find its pack, its family, its home.”

Understanding washes over her features. She raises to her knees, moving herself to straddle me before she lets the blanket drop and pool around her waist, leaving herself bare and exposed… for me.

Wordless, she leans forward and presses her lips to mine, spilling her agreement into her kiss.

In the journal of her darkest memories, Beth called me her safety. But this woman… this woman is my home.



Bare-chested and humming a tune under his breath, Logan maneuvers around the kitchen with surprising grace for a man his size. He's effortlessly flipping pancakes and sizzling bacon on the stovetop while I sit perched on the counter, my legs dangling off the edge.

“I can't believe you're cooking.” I’m gawking at him, but I don’t care. He deserves to be gawked at. The sight of him in nothing but his jeans, cooking breakfast, is enough to make my heart flutter and my thighs clench. It’s with that movement I feel the sting and remember why my body is so stiff.

“Only for you, pretty girl. You’re going to need your energy,” he retorts, flashing me a roguish grin.

He sidles up to the counter and lifts me by my waist, setting me down on the cool granite. I giggle, swatting his chest lightly as he leans in for a kiss. His lips press against mine, all warmth and tenderness, making my stomach flutter.


Our eyes snap open.

It’s true, I’ve called for God more times than I can count in the last twelve hours, but that one didn’t come from me.

We both turn to see Kim standing at the doorway, two kids in tow. Her gaze finds us, eyes widening at the sight of us wrapped around each other.

Hannah strolls in after her aunt, unfazed by the scene she walks into. She merely scrunches up her nose and mumbles, “Gross,” before making a beeline for the fridge.

A hot blush creeps up my neck as I hastily hop off the counter, tugging Logan's oversized sweater down. He doesn't seem to be the least bit bothered. Instead, he merely chuckles, flipping another pancake onto a waiting plate.

“Morning, Kim,” he greets casually, grinning like the cat that got the cream.

Kim's eyes widen comically, taking in the sight of her sister's half-dressed lover in her kitchen. “Morning? That’s all you have to say?” she sputters before staring at me and mouthing,It’s about time. “I text you about dropping the girls off early, but you were obviously… indisposed. There's a toddler running around, you know,” Kim continues.

“Speaking of which...” Logan trails off as Isabel totters into the kitchen, a mess of curly hair and morning sleepiness. She holds her arms up, babbling something unintelligible as she toddles towards Logan.

Bending down, he swoops Isabel into his arms, pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek. “Good morning, Isabelly,” he coos, making her giggle.

I’m still trying to find words. I think Logan swallowed all of them.

I need pants for this conversation.

Without a word, I hold up a finger and rush to the other room, grabbing a pair of clean shorts from the laundry before slipping them on.

Hannah is pouring herself a glass of juice when I return, and Kim… Well, I think my sister has gone into shock. Not completely sure it has anything to do with the scene she walked in on because she’s too busy ogling Logan’s chest.

Hannah levels him with a gaze that has more calculation than any nine-year-old should have. “Do you live here now?”

I swear, I’m close to passing out. This is not how this was supposed to go. Me and Logan were going to take things slow, and when we felt truly ready, I would tell the girls. That plan has gone up in smoke.

Running my fingers through my tossed hair, I manage a flustered, “No, honey,” but my eyes dart to Logan. His smirk is nothing short of sinful, and his eyes are twinkling with amusement as he mutters low, “Not yet,” just loud enough for me to hear. I shoot him a glare that I hope is intimidating, but all it does is deepen his amusement.