I sigh against his chest. “Fair enough. Show me these designs.”

I don’t see his smile, but I can almost feel it as he takes his phone and slides through the designs. Some people he names. Others are ones I’ll never know.

As the pictures skim past my vision, my lids grow heavy.

“Get some sleep, baby,” I hear him whisper as I drift off.



“What?” I snap, trying to breathe through the panic attack ready to surface.

“You’re going to break my hand.”

Archer happened to drop by the shop to see Logan at the same time I’m getting this tattoo. There’s a high possibility I could bolt so I grabbed his hand before Logan ever touched me with a needle. He still hasn’t. He’s only getting prepared, but I think I’m dying.

It took me three weeks to pluck up the courage to do this. I milked my glorified head cold for all it was worth just to get out of doing this.

Two of Logan’s tattoo artists are here working on other customers, and they all seem to be enthralled with my nervous breakdown.

I should be embarrassed, but I don’t have the mental ability to think about it.

“She’s going to pass out, boss.”

I only open my eyes to glare over at Kyle before shutting them again.

“I will not pass out.” I’m determined. “I will not pass out,” I repeat mostly to myself.

I don’t know who I’m trying to convince.

I ease my grip on Archer, but only a fraction. “Talk to me. Distract me.”

Logan barks a laugh.

“Shut up, Logan.”

“Whatever you say, pretty girl. I’m just impressed you’re not asleep.”

“Shut. Up. Logan,” I repeat which earns me a laugh from everyone.

“I remember my first tattoo,” someone says. I don’t open my eyes to see who it is. “I was nervous as hell.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah, but I was fourteen.”


I’m being a baby.

Archer flinches when I squeeze his hand tighter. “It’s just a small one on your ankle. It will be over before you know it.” Bless his heart for trying to reassure me, but there’s bile rising in my throat, and I’m sweating.

I almost leap off the bed when I feel something cold.

Logan grabs my ankle and soothes his thumb over my flesh. “Relax. I’m just cleaning the skin.”

I blow out a breath in an attempt to ease the shaking, but it’s no use. I’m close to vibrating right off this bed.