Never. Not once in the history of time have men been so observant.

“I’m good,” I chirp, feigning cheer, even as it dissipates and begins sweating through every pore.

Molly is right. I need to leave. My eyes are heavy, and a dull throb is beginning to bloom across the bridge of my nose.

“She’s not okay,” Molly says.

When I glare at her, she pokes her tongue out like a child.

“She’s sick, but she won’t go home.”

Logan gets to his feet. “What the fuck, Beth?”

My head snaps back and forth between them like I’m watching a tennis match. “I was just taking your order, and I’m leaving. Relax.”

But I’m not sure if they don’t hear me or if I didn’t speak loud enough because they’re still talking over me. Then the call of my name rings in my ears, but my vision has suddenly blurred, and everything spins.

I think the ground is coming up to meet me, but an arm around my waist keeps me planted on my feet.

“You falling for me, pretty girl?”

I’m molded to his chest when my vision finally clears.

Logan’s smile drops, his fingers digging into my waist.


Although, I don’t think he’s hurting me. I’m just so sore. Everywhere.

His jaw ticks. “You’re hot.”

I smile, holding my head back. God, it hurts so bad. “Am I? Thanks, Loggie.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it. You’re burning up, woman. I’m getting you to a doctor.”

Straightening my spine, I step away. “I’m not going to the doctor. It’s the same cold the girls had.”

His brows knit together.

I don’t have the energy to argue with this man today.

“He’s right.” I think it’s Archer. “You don’t look good.”

“I’m not going to the doctor,” I persist, keeping my feet firm on the ground. I need to get my girls, give them dinner, bathe them, and maybe then I might fall into bed.

His shoulders slump as he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “Fine, but you’re going home.”

“Fine,” I agree with a grunt. “I was going home anyway.”

He reaches around my waist, standing far too close. “Really? Have you ever heard of personal space? I’m burning up and you want a hug?”

Scowl still set in place, he stands back with my apron dangling from his hand.


He swaps my apron for my purse and grabs my hand. Delirious, and I’m pretty sure I’m on the brink of vomiting, I swallow and wave goodbye to everyone as Logan leads me out onto the street. He’s still holding my hand as we cross over to the square and away from my car. I try to pull him back, but I don’t have the energy.

“Hey, caveman, my car is back there.”