“Well, then,” Magda gives a tight nod, “shout if you need anything.”

When my mother’s stifling presence is gone, I put my hands on Valentina’s shoulders and turn her to me. Her muscles slacken as the tension leaves her body. Magda makes her nervous.

I brush a thumb over the smooth skin of her cheek. “I have business to take care of this afternoon, and I won’t be home for dinner. I’m going over to Sylvia’s to break the news to Carly.”

Apprehension fills her eyes. “How will she take it?”

“She’ll be fine.” I give her a reassuring squeeze, even if I have my doubts. “If you’re going over to Kris’, or anywhere for that matter, the guards will go with you.”

She doesn’t contest the new invasion of her privacy. Valentina already knows when a battle is not worth fighting.

I kiss her lightly. “Call me if you need me or if you’re not feeling well.”

“I’ll be fine,” she says in a chastising tone.

I chuckle and kiss her again. She will be. She’s too strong to be anything else.


The air in the house is suffocating. No matter where I turn, Magda is there.

“What on earth are you wearing?” she exclaims when I come downstairs in a calf-length wool dress with boots. “This shows every roll and bulge on your body. You want to hide your stomach, not draw attention to it. Try a short dress that you can wear like a blouse over a pair of slacks, and go for flats. These heels,” she waves at my boots, “look like a prostitute costume for Halloween. A scarf is always good to round off your appearance. I’ll take you to Hermes in Sandton tomorrow. They have a new range in neutral colors for winter.”

In short, she wants me to dress like her. Ignoring her comments, I escape to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Marie enters with a bunch of coriander as I switch on the kettle.

“How are you doing, Marie?”

Her mouth droops on one side. “Shlut.”

It takes me a while to figure out what she said. Suddenly, my thirst for a warm drink is gone.

“Where’s Oscar?”

She doesn’t answer.

I find him sleeping on the dryer. “Hey, baby. I missed you.” I scratch behind his ear and am rewarded with a purr.

Curiosity drives me to my old quarters. The room is bare. The bed has been stripped, and the curtains are gone. It feels unreal to see the space so empty. A part of me belongs here. Strangely, I’m sentimental about my first intimate moments with Gabriel that took place in this room. I recall with uncanny clarity the first night he came to me. If he were a less skilled lover, would my reaction to him have been different? Somehow, I doubt it. The truth is I’m as attracted to Gabriel as I’m frightened of him. His darkness has long since invaded my heart, making me a soul mate to the unspeakable needs that drive him.

From far-off, Magda calls for me. I escape outside to see Bruno. At least he’s happy to have me back. After playing with him for a while, I follow the path to the staff quarters. Quincy is with Charlie.

He gets to his feet when I enter. “Mrs. Louw.”

“Please, I’m still Valentina.”

He gives a small nod. “How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Are you?”

“Yes, of course.” My smile is forced as I move to Charlie. “Still playing cards?”

“He plays a mean game of poker.” Quincy laughs. “He cleaned out the coin jar.”

“Thank you,” I say gratefully. “I’ll take him off your hands as soon as I get back from Kris’.”

“No sweat. We’re having fun. Gabriel mentioned that you’d go. The guards are ready when you are. Shall I call Kris and let her know you’re on your way?”

“That will be kind, thank you.”

It took time getting used to Rhett or Quincy driving me around when Gabriel wasn’t available, but now I have an entourage of two cars and seven men.

“Isn’t this over the top?” I ask my driver.

He doesn’t answer, and for the rest of the way we’re silent.

Kris comes outside the minute we park. The men take up positions around the property.

“Val!” Kris takes me into a hug and holds me at arm’s length. “Are you all right?”


She glances at the men. “Are they really necessary?”

“Gabriel seems to think so. Let’s go inside.”

She takes my arm and leads me to the practice. “I cleared my schedule when Quincy called. I just have to finish the midday medications.”

“Oh, Kris, you shouldn’t have.” She needs the consultation money.

“I want to talk to you without interruptions.”

“I could’ve come tonight.”

“I couldn’t wait. Come on, take the tray.”

I take the tray with the pills, syrups, and syringes, and follow Kris to the hospital kennel. Boxes are stacked in the corner and on every free surface. Reading the labels, I shoot her a questioning look. “A computer? And printer?”