Even if my need for Valentina is already fierce again, I take her to bed without fucking her. In her fragile state, I’m worried of wearing her out, and after this morning’s marathon tonight seems too soon. Despite not satisfying my sexual urge, I’m wholly and strangely content to simply sleep next to her, a definite first for me.

When the sun wakes me with a pale glow that sifts through the large windows of our room, I can’t pretend that our mountaintop castle of glass is forever, any longer. The fairy tale of last night is over. It’s time to go back to reality and all the problems our new situation will bring, including breaking the news to Magda and Carly. I start with Magda, sending her a text message to inform her we’re married. Let her make of it what she will.

Valentina is quiet on the way home. The first thing she does upon our arrival is to check on Charlie. Her worry was for nothing. He’s in his element, playing a game of cards with the off-duty guards in the staff quarters. The walk to the house seems like a good time to bring up our living arrangements.

“Charlie will live with us from now on.”

She stops dead and gapes at me.

“Aren’t you happy?”

“Of course, I am. I just assumed he’d go back to Kris.”

“You’re my wife. That makes him family. He can take one of the rooms upstairs. I’ll send someone for his things, today. You can take charge of redecorating or whatever it is you women do.”

“Thank you.” She squeezes my fingers.

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “I don’t want you to do anything strenuous while you’re pregnant. No physical labor.”

“I’m pregnant, not sick.”

“I won’t take risks with your health.”

At my stern tone, she remains quiet.

The clothing consultant is waiting for us at the house with a selection of pregnancy outfits for Valentina to choose from. I thought it easier for her to shop at home than do the tiring clothes hunting. It wasn’t my intention to stay while she tries on some of the dresses, but I find tremendous joy in sitting on the couch while she parades for me. Being conservative in her spending, I have to talk her into taking more than a couple of pants with adjustable waistbands and A-line dresses. My favorites are the fitted ones. It’ll show off her belly beautifully. Sitting there and watching her, my chest expands with pride. She’s going to make me a father, a precious gift I thought I’d never have again.

With the consultant gone, I hand Valentina the ideas I jotted down for her to start an animal rescue program, as well as a new phone. She’s a bright and ambitious woman. The last thing I want is for her to be bored. We rehired our old cleaning company plus a server for our evening meals, and Marie is back in the kitchen. My wife will not dirty her hands like she was forced to when my mother made her our maid.

Think of the devil, Magda walks into the lounge as Valentina tells me she’s going upstairs to change out of my clothes.

“Val.” Magda approaches stiffly. She doesn’t hug Valentina or kiss her cheek like she did with Sylvia when I brought her home after our wedding, but she makes an effort to be polite. “Welcome back.” She motions at Valentina’s stomach. “How are you?”

My petite wife’s hands fold over her belly in a protective manner. “I’m fine, thank you, Mrs. Louw.”

“Call me Magda. We’re family now.”

“All right, Magda.”

Magda brushes her hands over her dress. “I’m going to be brutally honest, because there’s no other way of saying this. I’m not happy with the turn of events, but whatever our past, whatever your debt, that’s behind us. You’re a Louw, now, and family comes first. You’ll have all the benefits that come with our name, and in return I expect you to be loyal. Understood?”


Magda is worried that Valentina will rat to the wrong people in government, people who abide by the law, or worse, our enemies.

I put an arm around Valentina’s waist. “She understands.”

“Good.” Magda looks between us. “I’m also not happy about the way you snuck off to tie the knot. And like this.” She motions at Valentina’s attire and pulls up her nose. “Really, Gabriel, shame on you to make a lady marry you in such a state. It should’ve been done properly, in a church, with guests, and with the public exposure my son deserves. The best we can do now is a newspaper announcement.”

I don’t argue, because she’s right. Shame on me. Like every other woman, Valentina deserved a pretty white dress, flowers, a three-layered cake, and the whole nine yards, but I was too frantic to secure her safety. Plus, I wanted those invisible handcuffs on her the second she was back in my bed, where she belongs.