“Yeah, just excited. What about you?”

To me all of this was new, and it was terrifying, but exciting to be pregnant and to know that by the end of this there was going to be a baby. That they could be growing a brain right now or fingers, and I had no idea. The point though, I was growing another human that would be born in eight months give or take. It was terrifying because I would need to raise and take care of that baby. But it was so freaking cool if you only thought about the scientific part.

I was a bit worried though that all of this was nothing to Charlie. And not because he didn’t care about this baby, but because it wasn’t his first. He had already been through all of this, and I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe some of the magic was gone.

“Oh, hell yeah. Ultrasounds were my favorite part. To be able to hear their heartbeat and watch as they grow. It’s the miracle of life, and it’s all amazing,” he said with a genuine smile plastered across his face, and instantly it put my fears at ease.

“You already have a girl, so I am assuming you are hoping for a boy.”

“I would love to have a boy, but I also would love to have a girl. I have practice with Zoey so another girl would be easier. All that really matters is that they are healthy. What about you? Do you have a preference?”

“I’ve never thought about it. I want healthy, but outside of that I don’t really know. I’ve been around young boys and girls before and one wasn’t really easier over the other. I know some people say boys are easier, but I also find that girls are a lot easier when they are younger. I’m totally neutral on this one. I’ll be happy however this turns out.”

I knew most parents wanted a set gender. Hell some even made sure it was that gender through science. I had no problem with that. It was just for me I was going to be happy if I was having a boy or a girl because I never thought I would get to have my own children. This might be my only one to biologically have and whatever the universe determined I needed, that was what I was going with.

“Maya Hawke,” a female called out.

We both got up and headed towards the open door that led us down a hallway. The technician guided us into the room and closed the door as she spoke.

“Okay, you can put your purse on the hook, and I will need you to remove your jacket before laying down for me,” she explained.

I made quick work of doing what she asked, and the second I was laying down, Charlie was moving over to my right side while the technician rolled my shirt up and tucked a towel into my jeans.

“Okay, the gel is going to be cold at first,” she said as she picked up the gel and squirted it onto my belly, like a lot of it, and she wasn’t lying about it being cold. Damn.

None of that mattered though when she picked up the wand and pressed it against my lower abdomen. Instantly, my eyes shot over to the screen, and I watched as complete darkness turned into shades of grey. I had looked at other photos, so I was prepared to see an outline of a baby. What I wasn’t prepared for was my baby to look essentially like a peanut.

“There’s your baby,” the technician said with a warm smile.

“It looks like I am giving birth to a peanut.” I couldn’t help the slightly disappointed tone at seeing the screen. I was excited to see my baby, but I had thought I would be able to see more of a human outline. Apparently, the photos I Googled for six-week ultrasound were not accurate.

“I know it doesn’t look like much right now, but pretty soon it will start to take shape and you will be able to see a little baby. They grow very fast, especially within the second trimester. We should be able to hear the heartbeat though,” she said as she clicked a few buttons, and a second later, the room was filled with the echoing sound of a heartbeat, and it instantly brought tears to my eyes.

That was my baby’s heartbeat, and it was beautiful, perfect. I looked over at Charlie, and could see his own eyes getting misty, and I knew he was loving this just as deeply as I was. That this being his second baby truly didn’t take away from the magic of it. I knew he said that this being his second child didn’t change anything for him, but it was completely different to see it on his face. To see the love and excitement in his eyes.

“It’s perfect. It’s perfect right?” I asked the technician.

“It is,” she said with a warm smile. “Everything I am seeing is good. I am just going to take some measurements for the doctor. Everything is good though.”

“See, there’s nothing to worry about,” Charlie said as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“And you still want to do the genetic testing?” We had talked about it, and we had agreed to doing it, but I wanted to double check because we would have that appointment coming up within a few weeks.

“Absolutely. I think it would be best given the lack of medical history. Do you still want to?”

“No, I do. I just wanted to make sure we were still on the same track. And I am gonna do it for me as well. We don't know what the result for Hellen will be, but even if she is my mother, we don’t know anything about my father. It would be smart to do the test.”

I had been going back and forth on this, but it was the smartest thing for me to do. For both me and the baby. I didn’t want to know if something could potentially be wrong with me, but at the same time, it was something I needed to know.

“Okay, we can set that up easily enough,” he simply agreed.

“Alright, you are all done,” the technician said as she removed the wand and began to wipe the gel off from my belly. Once I was all cleaned up, though I was gonna take a shower when I got home because I still felt like it was on me. She printed off a couple of photos as she spoke, she handed them over to us, “Here you go. The first of many.”

I easily took the photo, and I felt a wave of warmth washing over me. It wasn’t much, but it was everything to me. I wasn’t really a scrapbooking kind of girl, but this might make me start.

“Thank you so much,” I said as I managed to sit up without the room spinning on me.

“You’re welcome. Have a great rest of your day,” she said as she got up and opened the door before heading out.