“Um no, actually. I haven’t picked one up yet.” I didn’t even think about that.

“This is the brand we recommend,” he said as he went over to one of the cupboards and grabbed a box from it. He handed it over to me and I took it as he continued. “Take one every day, typically in the morning. Have you been experiencing any morning sickness?”

“Um, some. I’m not throwing up a lot, but I am feeling rundown and nauseous a lot of the time.” I was glad that I wasn’t throwing up all the time, but I was getting sick of being tired and feeling like shit all the time.

“I will write you a prescription to help ease your morning sickness. If you take it in the morning it will last all day. You don't have to take it every day, just on the days you aren’t feeling great. Typically, morning sickness will pass after the first trimester. However, it can come back in the last trimester. The best thing you can do is listen to your body. If it is telling you to take it easy and rest, then that is exactly what you should do,” he explained as he started to write on his prescription pad.

I wasn’t too certain I would be taking the medication, but at least I had it in case I decided I wanted it. I took the offered piece of paper with a smile, “Thanks.”

“Can we hear the heartbeat?” Charlie asked.

“You can’t. Typically, it is six weeks and up when you can hear the heartbeat. The baby is too small right now for us to pick it up. When you go for your ultrasound, they will be able to hear the heartbeat, and you can listen to it,” Dr. Heath explained. “Do either of you have any questions?”

I looked over at Charlie and he simply shook his head. “Not that I can think of at this time,” I answered for the both of us.

“Alright, well, you have the office number. If something comes up don't hesitate to call. And we will call you once your genetic test arrives for you to pick up. The imaging clinic will call you as well with your appointment time.”

“Great. Thank you so much. We greatly appreciate your help,” Charlie said as he held his hand out that Dr. Heath easily took.

“It’s no problem at all. I hope you both have a good day, and we will speak soon.”

Dr. Heath opened the door and made his way out. I couldn’t help the deep breath that escaped me. So far everything was good, and I was praying that it would stay that way.


Thesuddenknockatthe front door caused Maya and I to both look at each other. Ms. Wilson was out with Zoey and would be for the next hour still. As far as I knew no one else knew where we lived. I couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline at the prospect that whoever was here could be someone looking to hurt Maya. Everything had gone so well after the doctor’s appointment today. We had gone for breakfast before making our way into the office. We haven't spoken about what Maya wanted to do about the baby, but at this point I was confident we were keeping it. She was thinking about genetic testing, and that wasn’t something you did if you weren’t looking to keep the baby.

“Stay here,” I instantly told her as I grabbed one of the butcher knives from the block on the counter. I was relieved when Maya didn’t try to argue.

I made my way towards the front door, being careful to not make too much noise. If it was someone unfriendly on the other side, the last thing we needed was them hearing movement. Maybe we were being paranoid, but at this point I would rather be paranoid than stupid. I practically tiptoed to the front door and leaned over just enough to be able to look through the peephole. Instantly every ounce of adrenaline drained from my body at seeing the familiar face.

“It’s okay!” I called back to Maya so she wouldn’t be worrying herself to death. I reached out and unlocked the door before opening it.

The slightly shocked look on Lucas’ face at the sight of the knife in my hand morphed into pride. “Good boy,” he said with a big smile.

“You can’t call first?” I couldn’t help but snap. I could still feel my heart trying to break out of my chest.

“I had plans to surprise you and my little Princess. I didn't think you would be so on edge to answer the door with a knife. Has something happened?” he asked as he came into my house.

I answered as I shut and locked the door, “No, I guess we’re just on edge.”

At the sound of footsteps, I turned my head to see Maya had come out of her hiding spot in the kitchen. She looked unsure, but that was to be expected as she had never met Lucas before. I spoke as I went over to her.

“It’s okay, this is my friend Lucas, that guy I was telling you about.”

“From growing up. He’s a cop,” she stated.

“That’s right. It’s great to meet you,” Lucas said as he held his hand out once he was close enough. Maya took it as she responded.

“It’s nice to meet you. Sorry about the knife.”

“Don’t be. It’s good that you were prepared. I heard you went to the doctor’s this morning. How was it?”

“You want a drink?” I asked before Maya answered.

“Yeah, whatever you got,” Lucas answered as we all moved further into the kitchen.

“The doctor was good. We got more appointments set up for various tests, and we got my prenatal vitamin. Plus, a prescription to help with morning sickness,” Maya finally answered.