I couldn’t believe how amazing he felt in me. I didn't think sex could get any better with him, but not using a condom had only taken it to the next level. I could feel his skin. I could actually feel the heat radiating off his cock as it moved inside of me. We rocked against each other at a rapid pace. The room was filled with our moans and heavy pants. I could feel the heat pooling within my stomach once again and with a final thrust against my sweet spot, I was giving a small scream as I tumbled off that cliff.

The tightening of my walls and the added heat from my cum became too much for him to handle as he snapped his hips forward and came hard with a long groan. The feel of his cum coating my walls made me pulse even more. I had never felt a heat like that before inside of me, and I had no idea how sex was ever going to feel the same after this. Both of our bodies pulsed around each other, neither seeming to end.

Charlie went down onto his elbow by my head and slowly pressed a few kisses to my lips as we both fought to catch our breaths. My legs gave out, and I could feel them trembling as they rested against the bed. This had been more than remarkable. I didn’t think our sex could get any better, but it had. I had no idea how I was ever going to be able to leave him. I pushed that thought away though, because tonight was all about creating new memories for when it was time for me to leave. I didn’t want to spoil it with negative thoughts. That could be tomorrow’s problem.

The sound of birds chirping brought me out of my deep sleep. I was not ready to be awake. We had gone to sleep late and with the sound of the birds I knew it was not the afternoon. I hadn’t heard Charlie’s alarm going off to get Zoey to school, so I knew it was before that. I was hoping it wasn’t too early before his alarm; it would have been great to fall back asleep for a couple of hours. My stomach began to cramp and roll. Apparently it didn't agree with my desire for more sleep. I couldn’t help the small groan as I curled up into a bit of a ball to try and ease some of my discomfort.

“I have to get Zoey up. You rest; it’s the best way to help with the nausea. I’ll check in on you before I take Zoey to school,” he said as he placed a kiss on my cheek before he got up.

I closed my eyes and tried to get sleep to grant me any mercy. I had no idea how long I had been trying to sleep when the door opened again, and I opened my eyes to see Charlie coming back into the room with a mug and a plate.

“I have to take Zoey to school. I brought you some plain toast and ginger tea to try and help settle your stomach,” he said as he went and placed the items down on the bedside table before he bent down and continued. “I don’t want you to worry about coming into work today. Take the day to just rest. I know every pregnancy and woman is different, but with Elizabeth, the only way she could get ahead of the morning sickness was to listen to her body and sleep when it was telling her to. You’ve been through a lot within the past five years; take the day and just rest.”

I wanted to argue, but right now doing nothing but sleeping sounded great. “Okay.”

“I’ll be back later to check in on you. Call me if you need anything,” he said before he pressed a kiss to my cheek before he stood up and headed out of the room.

I couldn’t help the smile that touched my lips as I slowly closed my eyes.


ThesecondIwalkedinto my office I was pulling out my phone and calling Lucas up. I needed to get him on Maya’s case to determine if she was safe or not. If she wasn’t safe, then I needed to ensure that she would be safe. I had no idea what that would entail, but I knew Lucas would know what I needed to do to make that happen. I was hoping that she could continue to stay here and there wouldn’t be any added danger to Zoey or herself. I didn't care about the danger that could come my way; it was them that I was more worried about. All three of them now technically. I was really hoping that I would be able to convince Maya to have the baby. I knew it was her decision, but I was really hoping that she would decide to have the baby.

At first I was freaked out by it, but I couldn’t seem to sleep last night. I kept watching Maya as she slept, and I thought about what it would be like to have something more with her. To have a baby and get to have our own family unit just the four of us. I had no idea if that was something she wanted as well, but I suspected she might. Growing up in foster care, I had to imagine she wanted her own family. It was something we would need to talk about tonight. Hopefully she was feeling better and would be up for it.

“I feel like we don’t talk anymore,” Lucas teased as he answered the phone.

“Smartass,” I said as I shook my head and went and took a seat in my chair.

“I don’t have an update for you yet.”

“I got one for you. Two technically. Which would you like first?”

“Dealer’s choice.”

“I knocked Maya up,” I figured I would start there. It was the more shocking piece of intel for him, and I knew he would be happy about it. Shocked, but he would be happy for me.

“You what? When?” he asked, completely confused.

“You do remember we’ve had sex,” I countered with a smirk.

“I assumed there was a condom involved like all smart and responsible adults use.”

“We did use a condom that time and every other time after that. It didn’t break, but we seem to be within the very small percentile of the condom being defective. And before you ask, yes I am certain the baby is mine. She hasn’t been with anyone for eighteen months before me.”

“Damn eighteen months. I can’t go eighteen days. And is this surprise baby something we are happy about? I mean it will definitely make your married story more believable.”

“I’m happy about it. I don't know if Maya is. I think she will be if other things line up.”

“I am assuming that brings us to the other update that you had for me.”

“She told me her story. Her legal name is Amarya Cabot. She went to a university in Southern California. Five years ago, she was on her way home from the library very late at night when she witnessed a murder,” I started.

“Son of a bitch. I take it things didn’t go so well for her,” Lucas said, already understanding where this was most likely going.

“They started off okay. The guy was shot in the chest; she called 9-1-1 and tried to stop the bleeding. The guy died on the pavement though. She was taken to the station and questioned. The detectives let her go home. A week goes by, and they show up at her place looking to see if she could make an ID on the shooter; she does. They inform her that he was a hitman that went by Diablo. He was hired by a regional cartel boss, Jose Santiago, to kill the victim because he was stealing the money he was supposed to be laundering for them.”

“And how long before all of that went ass up?” I could hear the slight annoyance growing within his tone.