"It's just that rich people value their time and money more," Marcus explains.

Soon my mind turns to fury as I remember all those who are suffering due to this structure. How can they be so selfish? I think in rage.

"That's why, Marcus," I say sternly, "I'd like you to change the interest rate on the loans I'm taking for buying the land of the smaller landowners."

"What?" asks Marcus. "So you can profit off it?"

"So I can pay them higher," I say through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, Adrian," he says. "I can't do that."

"Really?" I ask. "What is the loan interest rate you charged me when I set up my tech firm, Marcus?"

"6%," he says.

"And now?" I ask.


I take a few deep breaths to steady my nerves and remind myself of why I'm here: to make an impact on this world - one that uplifts all people towards a common good. Once my nerves are steady, I add, "Your company is exploiting the small players and taking advantage of their situation - and I'm not having it," I say strongly. "I'll pay a higher interest rate on purchases for the bigger players, but the standard 6% to guarantee that the small owners receive fair compensation for their land. That's how it's going to be."

Marcus looks at me squarely in the eye, surprise registering on his face. Then, finally, he nods with respect for my commitment and stands up from his chair.

"Agreed," he says, shaking my hand.

On the flight back to Houston, I restructure the finances in my head. With the now lowered interest rate, and my plan to pay off larger chunks as early as possible, I’d be able to increase payments to go above and beyond the expectations of the small landowners.

Before the flight takes off, I text Olivia - "Is everything going to plan?"

"Yes," she replies. "The nanny is taking her for a late-night movie and to a hotel after for the night. Emily thinks it's an adventure. The cameras have been set up."

"And David?"

"Set to arrive by eight p.m."

As the flight takes off into the night sky, I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. My mind is still in turmoil when I feel the wheels touch the ground in Houston. I quickly collect my luggage and head towards the exit, where I find the private investigator waiting for me.

"I'll be hiding out, gathering evidence," he says. "You've got this?"

"I was born ready."

Enough of this nonsense. Tonight, I would reveal Veronica for who she truly is. She's done enough damage to the lives of the two most important women in my life - my daughter Emily, and the love of my life, Olivia.



Imakesurethatthe manila envelope is where it's supposed to be. The doorbell rings sharp at eight. Always punctual, my dad.

I rush to open it, wiping my hands clean on my jeans. I am so nervous, that my palms are sweaty.

"Dad!" I say, opening the door to let him in. "Come on in."

"Olivia," he says, entering and giving me a kiss on each cheek. "Here," he hands me a bottle of wine and an envelope. "Just a little something for you."

"Dad, what's this?" I ask in astonishment.

"Just a little something to help you get by until you find a new job. Did Ade - that man - give you a letter of recommendation yet?" he asks.