“I’m looking for purpose.” He cocks his head to the side. “You might find that strange. I wouldn’t blame you. Maybe you could call it existential.”

“I do find it extremely weird,” I admit. “You’re part of a rich and powerful crime syndicate. I assume you have plenty to keep you busy.”

He nods to that, face softening. “But it isn’t enough. I have leeway within my family organization, it’s true. I can take on new business ventures as I see fit. But none of it matters to me. None of it fulfills me.”

“You think my little donut shop’s going to help? Because I can promise you, Nolan, it’s not going to.”

“Maybe,” he admits, looking at me again with that incredible focus. It sucks the breath from my throat. “But I’d like to find out.”

“How about we don’t.” I push away from the couch, putting space between us. My heart’s racing and sweat breaks out under my arms. “Instead, I’ll pretend you never tried to blackmail me, and you can leave me alone. That way everyone wins.”

“I don’t think so.” His head cocks to the side like he heard a distant shout. His expression focuses into something more thoughtful. “But now you have me rethinking my offer.”

“That wasn’t anoffer. That was a gun to my head.” I pause, crossing my arms over myself, hugging my bag to my chest. “Wait, what do you mean, you’re rethinking your offer?”

He stands, pacing away, stopping in front of the fireplace. He hits a button and flames come to life. For a moment, he stares down at the fire, not moving a muscle. I almost think he powered down like some bizarre robot.

Until he breaks the silence. This man sure as hell likes to use quiet as a weapon against me.

“Maybe your donut shop isn’t going to fulfill me. You’re right about that. I’m thinking about this all wrong.”

I perk up. Finally, I’m getting through to him. “It’s a tiny business, Nolan. You can have so much more. Why don’t you move on to something bigger and better? Forget about me? I’m sure there are dozens of challenges out there that’ll occupy your mind.”

“It wasn’t really your donut shop that I wanted,” he says, almost to himself, like he didn’t hear me. Some of my hope dwindles and my stomach drops. “That shop is only a means to another end.”

“I don’t like where this is going.” I back away toward the entry hall. “Is this the part you kill me and cut off my head?”

He turns, piercing me with that gaze. “Stop joking for once and listen.”

My eyes widen. “Don’t get all mouthy with me.”

“You’re infuriating. Why do you think I’d hurt you?”

“Because that’s who you are.”

He flinches as if I hit him. For a moment, real sadness slashes across his face, and I cock my head in surprise. Why did he react as if I deeply insulted him by saying that? He admitted already that he’s a violent killer. We both know what he is and what he does, and yet hearing me remind him of that clearly didn’t feel good.

But he gets himself together. “I’m revising my offer.”

“I came here to make youdropyour offer. I don’t want anything to do with you, Nolan. I don’t care what strings you attach.”

“Here’s where we stand now.” He comes toward me, hands clasped behind his back. “If you want to avoid getting evicted and losing your entire investment, this is what you will do. You will take my money. You will let me fund your business. And most important, you will marry me.”

I go still. I’m too shocked for my jaw to drop. Marry him? That’s got to be a mistake. An ugly laugh bubbles up from my guts. I can’t help myself—that’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

“Marryyou?” I ask him, shaking my head. Laughing like I might throw up. “Why would you want me to marry you? You’re joking, right? Trying to make the whole investment thing look totally reasonable? There’s no way I’d evermarryyou.”

“I’ve been looking for a purpose to fulfill me, my something, and maybe you’re exactly what my life’s missing. The donut shop was always my attempt at getting close to you. Why not cut out the bullshit and go straight to the point? I will marry you, my something. I will make you mine. Besides, it’s past time I settled down with a wife and began to build a family.”

“Afamily?” I can barely believe what he’s saying. I’m choking my words out. “This is insane. You want me to marry you? Nolan, listen to yourself.”

“I know it sounds crazy.” He comes toward me, walking slow. I keep backing up, ready to run. “But my days are empty without a reason to fill them. A wife, some children, that will provide stability, it will provide meaning, and you are the perfect woman.”

I laugh again, unable to help myself. This is so obscene, so out of control.

I can’t believe he’s actually saying this stupid stuff, but even worse, I can’t believe he’s looking at me like he means it.

“I amnotgoing to marry you,” I say, raising my hands.