“Now, Natalya,” he barks out when he realizes I’m frozen in equal parts fear and excitement.
I blame my frazzled nerves when I immediately jump to the command of his snapped tone. Taylor and Saka watch my slow trudge to his car, but the instant the tinted door is closed behind me, they return to their conversation, which appears more like an argument.
Just as quickly, I’m pulled across Matvei’s muscular thighs, and my backside is spanked until my butt cheeks are the same luscious fiery red coloring as my cheeks.
My teeth dig into my bottom lip as the tingles of his hits race to my clit. I’m hot in an instant and incredibly turned on.
But before the sensation can crest and spill, Matvei tugs down my dress, plonks me onto the seat next to him, then looks out the window like the tension teeming between us isn’t suffocating.
That can’t be it. He can’t stop now. I’ll die if he doesn’t touch me some more. My womb is coiled tight, and my panties are soaked through.
Now is not the time for him to deny me.
“Don’t,” he murmurs when I scoot closer to him. “I am so fucking angry I can’t guarantee I’ll stop before I hurt you.” He aligns his eyes with mine, and the torment in them cuts me to pieces. “Since I’d never forgive myself for hurting you, I can’t touch you.”
“Then I’ll touch you instead.”
Stealing his chance to deny me, I push his hands away from his body, then crawl onto his lap.
His jaw remains as tight as his thighs when I slide my tongue across his sternly shut mouth. “Please don’t deny me,” I beg when his mouth refuses to open at the lashing request of my tongue. “It will hurt me more than anything.”
It dawns on me where his anger resides when he stiffens more during my confession. He’s mad because my disappearance scared him, and to a man as self-governed as him, fear is the one emotion he can’t control.
“I was safe. Saka would never let anything happen to me.”
It feels like the earth circles the sun a hundred times before he speaks again. “Your care is no longer Saka’s responsibility.”
“If that’s true, why did you ask him to babysit me?”
Is it possible to fall in love in a second? Because I do when he says, “Because I didn’t want a stranger comforting you if you had another nightmare. I didn’t want to scare you more than I already have.”
“Fear isn’t what keeps me awake at night, Matvei.” For the first time in years, I tell the truth about the emotions that hit me when my father suggested I run. “Having nothing left to fear losing frightens me more than anything.”
After extracting something too early to confess from my eyes, he curls his hands around my jaw and kisses me deeply. He claims my mouth in a way that reminds me I have more to lose now than I’ve ever had. It is a greedy and demanding kiss that drives me wild with desire, even more so when he pushes a button at his side before ordering his driver to circle the block until he tells him otherwise.
“Matvei…” I moan into his mouth when a second after his demand leaves his mouth, he cups my breast through my dress and rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
I cry out in desperate need when he attacks the buttons of my dress with the same ferocity as Bastian but in a way I very much crave. As he pulls down the cup on my bra to suck my nipple into his mouth, I arch my back and moan through the rush of euphoria.
He licks my breasts and playfully bites on my nipples while rolling his hips at a tempo that makes me believe he could make me come without any penetration whatsoever.
Everywhere he touches sets my skin on fire. I’m panting and slick to the touch in an instant, but I still can’t get enough.
I grind against him with urgency, moaning when his thick cock pokes into me. It isn’t where I need it yet, but the possibility greatens when Matvei murmurs, “Take it out.”
“Here?” I stray my eyes to the traffic surrounding us. The tint is dark, but I don’t know if it will conceal us when the afternoon sun hits it at a certain angle.
Once again, I jump to his demanding tone when he barks out, “Now, Natalya.”
I fumble back like a virgin before shooting my hand down to his zipper. When I pull his cock out, it curls up to his stomach, growing in length and width the longer I stare in awe.
“Close your mouth before I fill it with my cock.”
Torn between tasting him again and being wholly consumed by him, I don’t know whether to shut my mouth or leave it where it is.