Unclenching my thighs, I step back until the bedding brushes the back of my knees. I bite my lip in a way that exposes how quickly my angst is turning into need, before I tug up the hem of my dress to expose my damp panties.

With a growl, Matvei lunges for me. As he rips my panties off my body, he kisses me harder and more urgently than our earlier kiss, bruising my lips. The air in my lungs vacates in a hurry when he pushes his perfectly rigid cock inside me with one big thrust before pausing to give me time to acclimate to the intrusion.

Having his big, imposing body hovering over me like this should be intimidating, especially after the confession I just shared, but god, I love it. I love how the hard parts of his body settle into the squishy parts of mine, and how not even the ugliness of my past dampens his wish to have me writhing beneath him. He’s hard and heavy inside me, the stillness of his hips assuring me that my previously dull sex life was no fault of my own.

I’ve always had the ability to orgasm. Just no one capable of getting me off.

That isn’t an issue with Matvei.

I doubt it ever will be.

“Please,” I beg, the tension too hot to ignore. I can feel him twitching inside me, but his hips remain perfectly still. “Make me come, Matvei. Give me the orgasms no man before you ever has.”

“Natalya,” he breathes gruffly before his hips piston in rhythm to the frantic thuds of my heart.

He drives into me on repeat, setting my skin on fire and ramping up my moans from a whisper to a scream.

Within minutes, I am mindless with need. My head thrashes side to side as sparks of pleasure lick my insides.

When a small, helpless moan escapes my lips, Matvei thrusts into me faster, harder, more wildly. He screws me with everything he has, cussing, rocking, and gasping with every perfectly timed thrust.

As a storm brews low in my stomach, he adjusts the angle of my hips before adding a roll to his pumps. The wide girth of his cock’s head hits the spot inside me I need stimulated to get off. Not long later, everything squeezes, clenches, and spirals out of control.

“Fuck,” Matvei grunts as he continues to enhance the sensation making me a blubbering mess. “Ah…”

He drives me deeper and deeper into the mattress, plunging harder and faster while grunting out the words I wouldn’t let him express earlier. He promises to make things right, and that soon I’ll no longer need to hide. That he’ll give me the world, and all he needs in return is my trust.

His multiple pledges of protection make me crazed with desire. I orgasm in a frantic rush, his name leaving my mouth in a raucous cry. While riding the waves more powerful than any before them, I clench around him.

Ecstasy ripples through me as Matvei powers into me like a wild beast. He pounds into me unapologetically until he pins me to the mattress with his hips and empties himself inside me with a long, deep groan of my name.

When his cock stops jetting streams of cum, he buries his head into my neck to breathe through his exhaustion. I hold him tight, not ready to let go just yet.

Regretfully, I’m forced to only three seconds later.

Taylor’s scream is loud and full of fear. It has me belting into Matvei for the second time tonight when he bands his arm around my waist to stop me from racing to her defense.

“Stay here,” he demands as he pushes me onto the reading chair with one hand while the other yanks up his trousers to cover his cock. “If you move a fucking inch, I will tan your ass.”

When a second scream booms through my room, I beg, “Just go, please.”

With his gun positioned to maim, and me tracing his featherlight footprints down the hallway, we creep to Taylor’s room. Her walls showcase artwork it didn’t have when I tucked her in an hour ago.

“Whore” is written across the far wall in thick red letters, but the dripping red goop sliding down the walls can’t be mistaken for paint. The smell announces this, not to mention the dead animal dumped at the foot of her bed.



Taylor’s still bloodshot but now also watery eyes lift to mine when I hand her an over-generous piece of cake. “It’s red velvet. Red velvet makes everything better.”

She halfheartedly smiles before accepting the bowl and poking the cake with a fork. “Did he really bring cake to an argument?”

It is an inappropriate time for me to laugh, but it is impossible to hold back. Imagining the level of control it would have taken for Matvei to store the cake in the refrigerator and wait for me to return from girls’ night makes me giddy, but since elation isn’t an appropriate emotion to reflect right now, I go for a slightly less inappropriate response.