When he spins to face his laptop, I bark out, “I’ll come to you.” He wets his lips when I add, “Your desk looks more than capable of handling my weight, and I promise not to hold you back if you need to leave.”
I steal the denial I see blistering in his eyes by unknotting my towel and angling my phone so the teasing curves of my breasts are exposed. I’m still wearing a bra and panties under my towel, but he gets the idea.
The lust that burns through his eyes almost has me forgetting my objective. Being craved so unforgivingly is an aphrodisiac I can’t give up, but I fight with all my might to remember that this is about more than my libido. Tyler and Jax’s safety is far more crucial than my wish to come.
I just need my body to read the memo my brain has been reciting on repeat for the past week.
“You said your hands are twitching.”
“They are,” he agrees while scrubbing at the five o’clock shadow darkening his rigid jaw.
“Then punish me.”
He exposes I’m not the only one fighting our undeniable connection when he stands. “I’ll come to you.”
“No. I want you to spank me on the desk I thought you were using to cheat on me.”
Nothing but brutal honesty highlights his snapped tone. “I don’t cheat. Ever.” He waits for me to absorb the truth in his eyes before he loosens the reins a smidge. “Hurry.”
Equally willing as I am scared, I yank down a trench coat that matches the one Matvei regularly wears, tie the belt around my waist firm enough to stop any accidental near nipple slips, pop on my shoes, snatch up the box of horrors, then clamber onto the fire escape.
My heel almost wedges between the steel grates when Matvei announces, “There’s a black town car on the corner of Twenty-Second and Hyatt. Keep the privacy partition up. I don’t want to have to unnecessarily kill anyone tonight.”
It is insane to be turned on by his threat, so I won’t tell you how wild it makes me.
Needing his focus off his laptop screen, I ask, “Will you stay with me during the commute?”
Dark locks fall into his eyes when he hoists up his chin.
After issuing my thanks with a quick grin, I climb down the fire exit stairs the best I can while holding my cell and coat in close to my body. It is windy tonight, and the gusts make it virtually impossible not to flash my panties to anyone lurking in the alleyway, but I manage, somewhat.
When my cell phone bleats in warning that I’m losing the connection, I recall my neighbor’s numerous gripes about my building blocking the cell phone tower signal. They’ve been in internet service hell for years.
As I take a detour through the alleyway, I use the service interruption to punch out a quick message to Jax.
Change locations now. Pay for everything in cash. I’ll be in touch soon.
The woosh of my delivered message coincides with Matvei’s deep voice commanding his driver to exit his car and search for me in the alleyway.
“I’m here. My heel got stuck in the grate.”
Since my reply is only a partial lie, Matvei lets it slide. He waits for me to slip into the back passenger side of his ride before instructing, “Enter the hotel via the service entrance. I’ll meet you at the elevator.”
I nod before lifting my eyes to the rearview mirror to ensure the driver heard his instructions. He bobs his head before locking the tinted partition into place, hiding both my eyes from his view and the inappropriate gap of the coat I’m wearing as a dress.
“Natalya,” Matvei drawls out slowly, returning my focus to my phone.
“Yes?” I reply, my body instantly overheating from how my name rumbles from his delectable mouth.
It is a fight not to squirm when he demands, “Get ready for me. I may not have time to prep you, but I refuse to hurt you.”
His pledge of protection already has me teetering on the brink of ecstasy, but I play it cool. “And have you punish me for touching what is no longer mine to touch? Don’t be absurd.” My last word comes out with a quiver when Matvei tilts his phone low. I’m no longer staring at the email I’m desperate to stop him from seeing until Jax’s message is marked as read. I’m staring at the smooth, silky skin covering his cock’s head, mesmerized by how his ginormous hand doesn’t overshadow his girthy length. “You don’t play fair.”
“I never said I did.” Matvei gives his cock two long, purposeful strokes before repeating his earlier demand. “Get ready for me.”
The head of his cock thrusting in and out of his hand upends my morals.
“Tell me what to do.” His smirk clenches my muscles when I say, “Then you’ll be in trouble with me.”