I come as a loud, husky rasp of his name tears from my throat. Every muscle in my body tightens as a spasming jolt electrifies my veins. My orgasm is as unforgiving as Matvei. It won’t stop, its intensity growing the longer Matvei staves off his release.

I can see his fight. Smell the battle on his skin. He’s so close to release but refusing to let go.

His stamina is incredible, but I want him as knocked off balance as much as he makes me.

I need him just as snowed under.

So, with my legs the weight of concrete but my determination as durable, I lift my ass from the floor and roll my hips to match the speed of his pumps.

Our new position alters his demeanor in an instant. He can’t hide his fight or his need.

He is as bamboozled as me.

“Ah. Christ. Fuck.”

His balls slap my ass as my insides massage his twitching shaft. He’s as hard as steel and so close to release that I give in to the tension burning me alive for the umpteenth time tonight.

With my pleasure assured, Matvei finally lets go. With his head thrust back and his eyes closed tight, hot cum spurts from his cock in frantic pumps.

His climax is as tiring as mine. It zaps the last of his energy, leaving him limp and slumped over me as he struggles to breathe.

I love his weight on me, so I don’t complain until the pleas of my lungs become deafening not even a minute later.

“I. Can’t. Breathe.”

“Sorry.” Matvei breathes out heavily before he rolls over, unknowingly granting my lungs permission to accept air again.

Even sated beyond belief, I can’t help but admire how his cock rests across his thigh. It has me wondering if he was Brad’s body double in Sex/Life on Netflix. His cock is longer and girthier than most men when fully erect. It is damn impressive.

“Food first,” Matvei murmurs, his grumbled comment exposing he’s noticed the direction of my gawk. “Then we will do that again.”

“You can do that more than twice?” When I say “that,” I nudge my head to his cock, which is once again rapidly inflating.

“Yes,” he answers without a hint of infraction to the honesty of his reply. Before jealousy can fully engulf me, he adds, “Though I’ve never had an interest in determining a tally until now.”

A grin tugs my lips high when his hooded gaze rakes my body for a short three seconds.

After returning his eyes to my flushed face, he asks, “How the fuck are you still clothed?”

I shrug like the urge for him to screw me senseless doesn’t have me willing to dry hump my way to climax station. “I was wondering the same—”

Before all of my reply can leave my mouth, Matvei’s tongue rams it to the back of my throat. He then tests the durability of the stitching in my skirt by dragging me over to sit on his lap.

My shirt and bra are removed shortly after that.



Even waking up alone won’t stop me from smiling like a loon. Last night was incredible. It went above and beyond anything I could have imagined. We fucked, ate, then fucked some more.

In between the moments of absolute delight, we also talked. They weren’t life-altering conversations, but they hinted at Matvei’s family dynamic and why his accent is so wide-ranging.

Matvei didn’t immediately join the family business. For years, he held the same role as Saka. He was a military operative. He didn’t say what region he was in or for how long, but the quirks he blames on reform and subordination give me more understanding of Saka’s obsessive-compulsive disorder and why he likes things to run stringently and on time.

Talking about Saka, he must be out of his mind with panic. I’ve been off the grid for over twelve hours and missed multiple bi-hourly check-ins.

Disgruntled that I need to check in so often, but too deliriously achy to truly care, I lift my hands out of the duvet and take a leisurely stretch. Once some of my kinks are eased, I search the bedside table for the alarm clock I spotted last night when Matvei carried me to bed.

It was almost three in the morning, yet rest was the last thing on our minds. We didn’t stop clawing at each other until exhaustion overtook us. I can’t remember who gave in first, Matvei or me. Considering his stamina, I’d say I lost last night. Though I doubt you could class any participant in a seven-hour rompathon as a loser.

“Shit!” I cuss out loud when I spot the time. I’m late for my shift at the boutique.

Uncaring that my hair is a knotted mess and my clothes are tattered, I toss them on, scrub the sleep from my eyes with the back of my hand, then make a beeline for the exit.