“Jax…” I don’t know whether to laugh or beg for details on how much heat Tyler is packing. He gives off big dick energy.

I lose the chance to do either when Jax spots Polina and Saka entering behind me. “Oh, hi there, gorgeous beings.” He tramples my toe with his stabby heel as he leans in close and murmurs, “You didn’t tell me you knew Tatiana Masaretti. And who the hell is the hottie next to her?”

“Huh?” I’m lost. Truly and utterly confused. Not about his last sentence. My cock-loving friends notice Saka long before me. He’s six foot six and has shoulders wider than most men. He stands out in a crowd. I’m confused why he’s clueless as to who Polina is. Most of the “dancers” at Spanks were purchased through Polina’s brother, Alek, so surely they’ve crossed paths by now.

“Polina…” I overemphasize her name to ensure Jax realizes she isn’t who he thinks she is. “This is Jax. A… fellow cock lover of mine.”

Jax is thrilled with his introduction. While fluttering his lashes, he holds out his hand in offering to Polina. “Pleased to meet you.” He waits for her to accept his offer before adding, “Though I’m sure we’ve met before. Have you ever—?”

Before he can announce that she looks oddly similar to one of the “dancers” at Spanks, Saka interrupts my introduction. “I need to take this.” My heart rate jumps when he twists his phone screen my way to emphasize the reason for his mad dash. It is another international call. “Will you be okay for a couple of minutes?”

I nod before nudging my head to Jax. “He still owes me a drink from the last time we were here.”

Now Jax’s expression is repulsed. “You want us to pay for our own drinks?” He gags, disgusted. “Who are you, and what did you do with Nat?”

While grinning at his reply, Saka announces he’ll stay close by. “If you need anything, call me. You have both your cells.”

I nod before signaling for Jax to lead the way to the packed bar. People are hogging every inch of the battered steel-and-wood design, but Jax clears us a spot with minimal collisions.

Tyler greets me with a smile bigger than the moon as he struts our way to take our order. “Nat…”

He rakes his eyes down my body. His prolonged gawk doesn’t hit me with the heebie-jeebies like Vasily’s stares do. Since he doesn’t do it to every female in the vicinity, it feels more special than sleazy.

After he returns his hooded eyes to my face, he asks, “How have you been?”

I don’t know why I haven’t accepted his advances yet. He is gorgeous, employed, and has no known associations with the mob. He is ideal boyfriend material. He simply lacks that edge I unknowingly search for when eyeing prospective dates.

“I’ve been good. You?”

That comes out flirtier than intended, but before I can return the conversation to a neutral level, my phone buzzes, announcing I have a text.

“The regular?”

As I jerk my chin up to Tyler’s question, I tell Polina and Jax I won’t be a minute, find a quiet corner, then dig my phone out of my clutch purse.

My heart threatens to leap out of my chest when I peer down at the screen. It isn’t Saka warning me not to sneak out the back entrance. It is from a man who could make Tyler look ugly by doing something as simple as standing in the same room as him.


Flirt with him…

Let him think he has a chance…

But if you so much as let his pinkie graze your skin, he will be serving you with his feet next week.

There must be something wrong with me. His text should mortify me. Or at the very least, piss me off. But I experience neither of those things. I am fighting not to squeeze my thighs together, and only half the battle is because of his threat. The other portion is from the heat of a furious gaze across the bar.

I freeze like a statue when Matvei favors me with a stare. He’s dressed more for work than pleasure, and his forehead is dotted with sweat like he ran here instead of breezing through traffic like Saka.

He looks good enough to eat, but instead of acknowledging that, I stuff my cell back into my purse with a roll of my eyes before rejoining my friends at the bar.

“I can’t believe they got this many already,” Polina says when I return to her side. Her eyes mist as she takes in branded beer bottle caps matching the ones she tossed out when cleaning Yev’s apartment last week. “This will make good headway on Feo’s collection.” For the first time in a long time, she sounds truly happy. “Thank you for doing this for me.”