“I am not!”
While they bicker, I pick up a needy Sookie and scratch under his chin. He’s been extra sulky today. “I know, boy. I miss him too.”
I’m awoken by the alarm ringing on my phone. I went to bed a little after eleven, so I am well rested, but my mouth still tastes like I ate roadkill last night.
“I told you not to have that last shot,” Taylor murmurs when I peel her off my lap so I can get ready for work. Maria and Millie are in a similar type of pretzel shape. Since every taxi in Kronstadt was seconded to the Cabanow family estate, we pulled out blankets and made a pillow fort in the living room. It reminded me so much of my first few weeks in Russia, but it also highlighted the luxury I’ve been sampling for the past few weeks.
My back is killing me, and I’m not even close to thirty yet.
“Do you want me to drive you in?” Millie offers, her voice a whisper so she doesn’t wake up Maria.
“No. It’s okay. Daniels is outside.”
“Daniels?” Taylor asks with a curious tilt of her brow.
“Security guard number three?”
“Four,” Millie jumps in. “And he’s only allowed to do the night shift because he’s boy toy material.” Her brows scrunch. “Or is it toy boy?” She drifts her eyes to Taylor. “What’s the saying when he’s super hot and…”
I leave partway through the conversation, too frustrated to participate. The ratability of Matvei’s staff shouldn’t come into the equation when they’re assigned to watch me.
He should trust me.
Like you trusted him yesterday?
I tell my conscience to shut up before yanking on the faucet and scrubbing away the uneasy feeling in my gut.
I scan the street three times before I realize no car matches the quality of Matvei’s fleet on the block. Daniels is nowhere to be seen, and I’m without a ride to work.
In a grapple, I hightail it to the closest bus station. I doubt it will get me to work in time, but with how I am feeling, I’m not sure I care.
If Polina fires me, I’ll have no choice but to leave Kronstadt.
I’d rather leave because of unemployment than a broken heart.
Matvei still hasn’t replied to a single text, and Saka’s messages are cryptic and full of plot holes. This part of my story sucks, and I wish I could skip ahead to ensure there is a guaranteed HEA.
Since I can’t, I scan my metro card on the panel and find a seat on the bus closest to the back.
As expected, I’m ten minutes late to work. I’ve only placed my things down when Polina comes racing through the recently unlocked door.
She looks pissed but safe.
I feed off the relief of the latter while saying, “I swear to the big guy that I did everything in my power to change Yev’s mind.” I thrust my hand at the cash register she’s racing for. “And I charged him full price for the bow tie even with it being on special.” Ignoring me, she ruffles through the business cards we collect. Clients think it is for the chance to win a free suit. Only Polina and I know it is a secret record-keeping gimmick that may see us landing in a medium-security prison instead of a maxi jail if her clientele are ever exposed. “If you’re looking for the local employment agency, don’t bother. I visited them on my way to work this morning.”
I’m joking, but she’s too snowed under with worry to hear the jest in my tone. “You’re leaving?”
“No. Not unless you’re firing me.”
“Why would I fire you?”
“Because I…” I stop talking before I walk into another trap. “Did you see Yev last night?” When she nods, I ask, “And?” The truth smacks into me when I drink in her flushed cheeks and knotted hair for the second time. “Ohhh… my bad. I thought this was your cranky face.” I pop the drawer closed with my hip before nudging my head to the storeroom. “There are condoms in the back… third shelf on the right.”
“I’m not after condoms.” She returns to ruffling, her hunt lasting for barely a second before her focus is back on me. “Why would we need condoms at work?”
I’m about to remind her she’s the one getting frisky in public, but before I can, someone outside captures her attention. I don’t get the chance to drink in their features. The thick smoke of their quick exit blocks their profile from the side mirror of their dark sedan.
“Who was that?”
Polina jumps before shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t know.” She shifts on her feet to face me. “Why don’t you close up and head home? Trade is slow, and we’ll make enough from online orders to keep the doors open next week.”
Who is this woman, and what has she done with Polina? “It’s Saturday. We never close on a Saturday.”